Winter Solstice Transformation

I love Winter Solstice when the long nights provide a backdrop for our inner lights to shine brightly in the dark.  This is also the time when our true selves break through our inner dark to awaken our light more …

How Does This Work?

My primary doctor asked me how my healings work.  I believe he was surprised by how a problem I’d been experiencing had resolved and that he wanted to understand what I did to facilitate that.

It’s not entirely easy to …

A Season of Healing

Fall is a time of letting go; and even for those who love this season there can be a sense of loss.  Any time we have to let something go it can bring up other feelings from our past or …

Compassion = Forgiveness = Healing

Holding tension and stress in our bodies from old hurts causes disease.  Healing these creates relaxation, comfort, health and stimulates ascension.

Working through these old hurts is easiest when we have compassion for our self and the limitations we experienced …

Forgiveness Across Lifetimes

As a healer for individuals and our world I have learned that half our healing can be accomplished through working in the deep past; leaving everyone in position to heal present challenges more easily and quickly.

Early in my career …