Compassion = Forgiveness = Healing

Holding tension and stress in our bodies from old hurts causes disease.  Healing these creates relaxation, comfort, health and stimulates ascension.

Working through these old hurts is easiest when we have compassion for our self and the limitations we experienced within the circumstances that caused them.  Compassion for self allows us to find compassion for those who hurt us.  This isn’t just the conceptual compassion “I know they were doing the best they could”, but the real compassion which melts hatred and connects with higher love.  Compassion is forgiveness — forgiveness for ourselves for being vulnerable or making poor choices, forgiveness for others because not forgiving is a disease in itself and because there is a reason we chose these dynamics in our lives that is essential to our own success and wholeness.  (I know we didn’t choose things as a human, but in our divine form we needed them either to serve others, or to grow the muscles we needed to grow) Forgiveness is healing.  It is the release of trauma and return to wholeness that we need within.

There are many layers of healing and releasing.  I have found this is because where we are wounded we fragment.  Parts of us break off into inner children (they could also be “inner adults”) — also called soul parts which hold the trauma so the rest of our self can continue on with life and be okay.  But those fragments get stored in our muscles and organs, holding tension and creating disease if not released and resolved.  The most beautiful tool I have for identifying and healing these is my Body Communication Exercise which I offered to you a couple of posts ago.  Since this process of deeper emotional clearing is very up right now in our ascension process, I wanted to remind you that the Body Communication Training which I created for you is still available on Body Mind Spirit Network.  I am also working with Penny Golden to create another course there on Power Animals for those of you who don’t have one yet.  This amazing tool which is common to all First Person Traditions is an integral part of healing inner children. I hope it will be available by the time this post is published, if not it won’t be long.

For those of you who haven’t yet joined the Body Communication Training click on the blue title here and follow this link. Then you can go to Courses in the left menu, and you can see the training there. You will need to join my tribe Eve Wilson Bridge to Wholeness and then I will approve you for the training.  The Power Animal Training will be there too when it is finished.  These are not long courses, so if you set aside an hour after enrolling and being accepted it will be enough time for each of them.

(I can’t really see how this link works for you, because I am already a part of the system, so when you try to find the course or join my tribe if you have difficulty please let me know and I will connect you with Penny who will help you.)

Many of my students and clients have worked with me using these tools over the 30+ years of my career so far.  For those who haven’t visited them recently, give them another go!  I have never grown tired of using them for my own healing process, I probably use them daily in one form or another.

The wonderful progress on the ascension journey is making our healing so much easier to do.  Things which wouldn’t let go a year ago are moving quickly now!  Things which can’t release today may release tomorrow!  But as we ascend, our process becomes uncomfortable when we are hung up because some old memory or inner child gets stuck in a part of our body.  Suddenly we are in pain, or feel emotionally volatile!  Don’t be dismayed by that, just go learn the Body Communication and Power Animal and move through it!  The pain is the message that it is time for your healing to progress in a tricky aspect where it can’t just release easily.  Come in for a healing and ascension treatment if you need extra help and we will move with light speed compared to what could be done in the past.  It is so exciting!

Have a wonderful week my friends!  Blessings and Love, Eve

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