Book Preview and Offer

Hi Ascending Friends! 

Today as I inquired what would be my most helpful gift to you through my blog, I have been asked to give you a preview of my soon to be released book: Riding the Wave of Change

Finding Peace

Hi Ascending Friends!

Here we are in the final week of Mercury Retrograde, a time when life resists our forward movement so we can complete things that need to be done so we can move forward more fully into what …

Mother God

3Hello Ascending Friends!

It is so good to meet with you weekly to focus on the new world because it is growing stronger every day!  It is so easy to get drawn into the old world experience because it is …

The Ascension River

From the One Source of Life their flows an energy of unconditional love and Holy Spirit, which is the raw material out of which the new world is being built.  This energy brings healing and forgiveness in an act of …


Hello Ascending Friends!

This months full moon and interesting planetary alignments are calling us into a new level of wholeness.  We have to be ready to receive this wholeness and find a little different way of seeing and being ourselves.…