Joy is Where You Are

Hello Ascending Friends!

A characteristic of the new world experience is joy.  Today I was reminded of that and I feel so alive with it!

Each of us is a unique facet of the eternal Oneness that I often call …

Hopeful Shifts on Planet Earth

It has been a week of hopeful shifts here on planet Earth!  Healing and ascension work was offered through the water which exists everywhere, and so makes a perfect vehicle for change.  Shifts were made to clear and heal the …

Clearing Toxic Bacteria

Since my conversation with Sea Turtle in February, where she informed us that toxic levels of bad bacteria in the water and in our bodies cause people to use their power in selfish, greedy and harmful ways, I and my …


When people think of ascension, I think they believe it will all be upward motion.  They can try to get more and more spiritual and lose their power and ground by getting too high frequency.

Ascension is about integrating our …