Clearing Toxic Bacteria

Since my conversation with Sea Turtle in February, where she informed us that toxic levels of bad bacteria in the water and in our bodies cause people to use their power in selfish, greedy and harmful ways, I and my Ascension Team have been working to understand the roles of bacteria in our bodies and world and to heal these concerns.

We have found that the bad bacteria speaks to our unconscious self chemically, emotionally and mentally, directing us to consume things that feed it.  So craving for food and drink that isn’t healthy for us may be an impulse from the bacteria affecting our inclinations.  It might be better to listen to those inclinations!  There are healthy food desires, which hold a sense that this is what feels good for me.  Then there are the compulsions that hit us when we are tired, depressed, stressed or fearful and they are almost always for something which when we give into it repeatedly creates an increasing addiction to the substance.  When that happens feeding the bad bacteria.

We have been working on clearing the toxic levels of bacteria and healing these issues, but it is a complex and challenging process.  Bacteria is the first life form, it was created before any other life forms.  There are so many good bacteria and they hold a completely different energy and are essential to our lives.  But the bad bacteria are those which break down our bodies when we die, and giving into their desires to eat things that damage us is to die a little bit…not a happy thought.  Reconnecting these bacteria with The Higher Power we have been working to adjust the contracts of the toxic bacteria so that they can only serve the higher good for all.  We have made good progress on a lot of levels and there is a lot of clearing that is going on.

As the toxic bacteria is beginning to be cleared out of our systems collectively, it is creating some moodiness.  There is a toxic level of die-off of the bacteria and it will take time for it to be flushed out of our bodies and auras. People may be feeling any number of negative thoughts and emotions, but one of the bigger issues I have observed is misunderstandings.  The toxicity creates a kind of cranky-moodiness; causing people to be a little tired, sensitive, and reactive; creating misunderstandings and communication issues with people.  If you notice this in your life, it could help to take a sea salt bath – 2 cups of sea salt to a tub, or a foot bath with 1/2 cup salt.  Sea salt pulls out physical and psychic toxicity.  Also drinking enough water and eating well will help.  When you feel crappy, don’t pick up your energy by eating sweets or other things that might not be healthy.  Let the toxic stuff get cleared out and then you won’t have the cravings for stuff that feeds the bacteria instead of yourself!

Another way to help yourself during this transition is to remember to choose your new world self each day and repeatedly as needed.  You have an old world self, with all your old world attitudes and habits, but you also have a new world self, which is lighter, clearer and more whole.  The new world self is in harmony with your higher self and more able to stay clear of the pitfalls we mentioned above.  It is a choice.  Asking to live in your new world self tunes you and brings you into focus in the new world experience to the degree it is available at the time.

There are still openings for what will be relaxing, fun, enlightening, creative and energizing  – The Women’s Retreat at Renaissance Unity on Saturday!  I’d love to see you there – it’s called Awakening the Goddess Within.  I will be the main presenter of the day.  For $95 you get 6 hours including my talk and workshop about ascension, lunch, creative movement and intuitive painting!

Have a blessed week and let yourself flow and trust the light within you as the old world passes away a little and the new world grows a bit stronger every day!  Love, Eve

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