The Open Heart of Ascension

I wonder how many of you realized when you worked with last week’s ascension meditation that there were two elements I included which were most potent and essential for a successful experience.  The first was centering within an open heart …

Being New – Becoming Whole

Your old world self is like a dirty, wrinkled, ratty old set of clothing!  With each wave of change you are removing something which you used to think of as yourself, which fits this ratty description, and receiving something new …

Honor Yourself

The challenge that has kept showing up for healing and ascension this week is jealousy.  This emotion flows from a center of fear within the old world experience.  Fear and jealousy always lie to us.  The old world is an …

Lightness and Powerful Love

Hello Ascending Friends!

The theme this week has been “choosing lightness and hope”.  With so many apparent reasons to worry and so many opportunities to do battle and resist things, it is easy to get dragged down into the old …

Nurturing The New World

Here is a simple way to nurture the new world experience in your life!

You are living in both the old world and new world simultaneously during the ascension process.  During this double reality period, you can focus yourself in …