The Open Heart of Ascension

I wonder how many of you realized when you worked with last week’s ascension meditation that there were two elements I included which were most potent and essential for a successful experience.  The first was centering within an open heart …

Being New – Becoming Whole

Your old world self is like a dirty, wrinkled, ratty old set of clothing!  With each wave of change you are removing something which you used to think of as yourself, which fits this ratty description, and receiving something new …

Keep Hope Alive and Strong

When our goals feel obstructed, or when what we built that is good feels beaten down, how do we handle that and keep our hope alive and strong? Here are some thoughts, meditations and ideas about that!

First of all …

You Are Stronger

On the cusp of the new year, I want to encourage you to see yourself in a new way.  Because you are ascending, you are constantly integrating more of your true self into your energy field, and your energy systems …

Pre-Election Ascension Work

I learned in an earlier election that I had to make sure that any spiritual work I did around its outcome was in harmony with the path our country had to take for its optimal growth, learning and the fulfillment …