Physical Ascension/Transformation

Ascension isn’t only a spiritual unity with Higher Self, it is a physical transformation that allows Higher Self to live within the created physical universe.

It is this physical transformation which holds the final key to unity.  Our instinctual physical …

Redefining Ourselves

Hello Ascending Friends!

At the beginning of creation all beings were One.  That one became two, and the two became many, than each of those many became many more; and so forth until we have billions of souls on earth …

Healing War

Hi Ascending Friends!!

A significant piece of healing work was done this week around war and the effects of war, which have shaped our history and evolution since the beginning of time.  In working with this concern it is shown …

Dogs and People Ascending

Hello Ascending Friends!

To continue in the theme of last weeks post, I am going to talk about new world energy system upgrades, but this time for dogs as well as people. Dogs usually are brief incarnations for enlightened beings …