Changing Roles & Ascension Updates

All experiences since the dawn of creation leave an echo across time in our souls and our genetic makeup.  Healing the negative and integrating the gifts of those experiences are both essential to fulfill the promise of life. We are …

Everyone is Essential

The shift is hitting the fan!  The new world is overall 30% stronger than the old world as of early November. The old world energies are like dust and debris in the wind – blowing off faster than we can …

Potent Purposeful Love

We are building spiritual love muscles!  There is so much in our world that is not loving, or which is hard to love right now.  To ascend into unity we need to identify with our true selves absolutely.  Our true …

A Song of Evolution

“You are ascending.  You are evolving in ways that have been preordained since the beginning of time.  Beneath the challenging and often negative aspects of life, there is something marvelous and purposeful going on.  The evolution of life we are …