Worthiness / Winter Solstice

Writing on the eve of the Winter Solstice I am struck by the polarized experience of light and dark in the world around and within our individual experiences.  What an opportunity for healing this brings us.

Polarization of light and …

Changing Contracts

Old world contracts for individuals and the world reached the end of their span in December 2012.  For the past 6 years they have been going off-line as new world contracts began to take their place.  What this means for …

Claiming Power

The experience of being limited is an essential tool of the old world journey.  Claiming power and wholeness is a hallmark of the new world experience!  What we are undergoing right now is a changeover of power from the old …

Trees and Soil Healing & Ascending

For two weeks I and my Ascension Group have been working with trees and the soil.  As the trees began to flower, their pollen has been carrying messages of stress along with their messages of love and beauty.  Many people …