Flower Remedies for Ascension

Bach Flower Remedies are a natural vibrational medicine that help you to release negative emotional and mental states. You can buy them at the health food store and follow the instructions, or you can just use the name, letting it resonate within you and that works too if you are sensitive and open vibrationally (see instructions at the end).  If your not so sensitive vibrationally, then using it physically may work better for you.

As you ascend, your vibration rises, but where you are stuck, there is usually an emotional or mental component that when released will allow that part of you to rise as well.  We all have places in body and soul where traumas and reactions have created little unhappy places within; which keep us reacting in old ways and going around in the same old circles in our lives.  Bach Flower Remedies are amazingly gentle but effective tools that help to release what is stuck when we are ready for that.  If you aren’t ready to let it go, it won’t force you to, but it could help you move in the direction of releasing when the time comes.

Here are some of the Bach Flowers I find are often helpful with their ascension process:

Walnut – helps you to change more easily and respond positively to change

Aspen – for anxiety and apprehension

Elm – when feeling temporarily overburdened – tasks too difficult to complete

Gentian – for discouragement – making mountains out of molehills

Gorse – for hopelessness and despair

White Chestnut – for unwanted or negative thoughts

Rescue Remedy – for recovery from traumas or shocks, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually

When taking these vibrationally, make sure you include that you are not asking for the plant itself, but for the Flower Remedy. Example: White Chestnut Flower Remedy (rather than just White Chestnut).  The energy of the plant itself may be different than the Flower Remedy of the plant.  Generally these are recommended a few times a day.

To find out more about Bach Flowers or to learn about all the remedies here is a website you might visit www.bachflower.com

For deeper work, a healing treatment might be in order!  Email me if you want to schedule: evew@spiritualhealers.com .

This Saturday my Keynote Address at 1:30 ET and Workshop at 4:00 ET will be available to you Live-Stream from California!  Go to www.u-c-m.org to register for just $10 per event.

Love and blessings on your journey!  Eve

P.S. Thank you for enjoying this replay of a post from several years ago while I am away with no computer 🙂 !  I look forward to sharing the insights and experiences I gather during my time out west after I return!

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