Changing Contracts

Old world contracts for individuals and the world reached the end of their span in December 2012.  For the past 6 years they have been going off-line as new world contracts began to take their place.  What this means for us is being revealed step-by-step as we undergo this great shift of reality.

Fortunately the change-over is happening gradually, because it allows us to be as relaxed as we can be through it all.  But because of that gradual nature of change we may forget just what is happening and consciously or unconsciously hold onto what is familiar to us.  So my job with this blog and with my book Riding the Wave of Change – Hope, Healing and Spiritual Growth for Our World, is to help people to get a hold of the new world reality and loosen their grasp on the old world which seemed secure, but which is much too limited and limiting for our true selves.  The new world is so much better in all ways.

On the spiritual levels, which are the foundation on which physical experience is built, the shifting of contracts continues to clear deeper and deeper levels of the old world foundations.  Each new level clears larger and larger old world structures, increasing the influence of new world energies and making room for our new reality.  This past week, with the influence of Venus retrograde and the full moon, the level of shifting has been extraordinary.  These old world foundations on which the illusion of separation from unity and wholeness were built appear like great boxy metal structures in the aura of the planet and the solar system.  Every time I am shown one and asked to help with re-contracting it, so people can be freed from its influence as they are ready, I find myself wondering how we ever lived with this rigid stuff in our collective auras!

Individuals are probably experiencing these current shifts as an increase in emotional processing.  Both old and current relationships and circumstances that carry an emotional charge and still hold elements that need to be processed through on another level may be popping up to consciousness.  You may be finding yourself wondering why you are thinking of that old thing again!  Well, the reason is that it still holds something which you need to learn from, forgive or take your power back from, before you can ascend this part of yourself.  So it is a good idea to make note of the memory; and then when you can find a few minutes, take time to work with it.

Below is a tool you can use to finish your old world contracts:

  • Breathe into your body and give yourself an inner hug from below your feet to above your head.  Love yourself like you are the most important person in your world
  • Allow your breathing to carry your focus of attention into your new world heart chakra in the middle of your chest.  Center there as though you are looking out at the world through your heart
  • Step back into yourself until you feel like your spine is the middle of you and land in the quiet clearer place within
  • There you can find your Inner Wisdom and welcome it to fill and surround you with your unconditionally loving true self
  • Meditate deep within your Inner Wisdom about the feeling or memory which came up.  What do you need to do to fulfill its purpose and receive its gifts
  • What you need to do may be done as a spiritual work or an outer work.  Here is instructions for working with it spiritually
  • Things which need to be said or done can often be done on an inner level.  You can step back in time and re-enter your life through feeling and imagination just prior to the place and time of the memory
  • Staying with your feelings and heart, identified with your more mature self, support your earlier self.  With kindness and love, go through the situation together, making more mature choices and learning to respond to life more successfully
  • Afterward, meditate within your Inner Wisdom to see if this completes your contracts, or if you need to do something else in addition.
  • When you have finished the meditation, release the past and call yourself fully back to the present time and place.  Allow the unconditional love of the One Source to flow like a river through you and the past issues, clearing, comforting and healing.  Then allow it to return you to the present moment, and a more new world you.

As we enter the new world step-by-step one day at a time, our journey is made smoother by completing old world contracts so they release more easily and quickly.  These old contracts are like sticky ropes holding us back. As we release them we experience a lift into a lighter and clearer experience as we arrive a little more fully in the new world.

Thanks for your comments last week, it is always a blessing when you share your appreciation or experiences with this work for all of us to learn from!

Upcoming Ascension Opportunities:

  • Monday Nov. 5, 12:00 Eastern Time – Hear Eve Wilson interviewed by Jim Masters about Ascension on CUTVnews radio – watch for the link by email and here
  • Thursday Dec.13 starts the next series of 6 Monthly Ascension Support Classes meeting every 4 Thursdays from 7:30 – 9:30 EST – email me through my website link or at

It is a joyful gift to be on this journey of ascension together my friends!  Thank you for sharing this post, liking or commenting as it feels good to do so.  And thank you each for your personal ascension work which lightens everyone’s loads!  We are all connected and every little lift helps move all of us to the next step of the new world.

Blessings and Love, Eve

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5 years ago

Eve, thank you for this insight and exercises. I teach/practice yoga and my daily practice is always about releasing what doesn’t serve my highest intentions. Your suggestion of supporting your younger self while listening to the wisdom from your mature self gave me a vision for my meditation during my practice. Completing old contracts has been on my radar starkly the last few years. I’m SEEING and loving into my new world. Your exercises were brilliantly expressed and I’m going to work with them. Thank you!