Within You there is Strength

Within you is strength to live your life centered and in confidence…strength to overcome obstacles to unity and balance…strength to trust and work through fear, worry and doubt.  Where you are most obstructed is where your greatest potential can be accessed.  How can this be?  How can you access it?

In the long ago when the One first gave birth to individual spirit Beings, the amazing strengths and gifts we each possessed caused us to block those very qualities. This limited access to our greatest strengths forced us to grow new soul muscles in aspects of self that were not yet developed.  For this reason, the places we feel most limited are actually where we are innately strongest.  I bet you have sensed this truth sometimes and wondered at it!

Now as the old world contracts end, we are learning that we can access these potent parts of us which previously seemed unavailable or even non-existent.  When we center on our true and eternal spiritual Being deep within the core of our heart chakra, which I call Inner Wisdom, we can begin to access those strengths that we now are ready to reclaim.  When we integrate our innate strengths with the soul muscles we have built through many lifetimes we find that we are becoming whole again…one with our true self within.

The old world is manifesting what seem to be impossible obstacles which may promote the old sense of weakness and lack.  But this opportunity is inviting you to reach within yourself, past limitation, hopelessness and fear to the core of wisdom and strength which created you.  It is guiding you to the place where you go deeper than ever before into the unity which will strengthen and guide you safely through the challenges of our times.  You ultimately will arrive in the new world which is a better place than we have known previously on Earth.

The core of true Being within you knows absolutely, it’s oneness with the One Source of Life.  It is this unity that generates strength and provides the insight needed to succeed on all levels during this time of change.  It isn’t a unity that can be cancelled by beliefs, fears or doubts; it exists absolutely and always; but we have had limited access in the past.  Once you reach that core within, you will find the way opens up that guides you through the steps to wholeness.  It isn’t accessible by thinking but can be found by focusing on your breathe, opening your heart, and going deep within to the still place.  Once in that stillness, let it bring forward the peace and the unity that is present there.  When mind intrudes with thoughts, just breathe again into the peaceful core.  It isn’t necessary that you be able to stay there, only that you touch it, and return to it often.

Gradually you will find that peace carries you through the bumpy road of life and that you have the strength that you need in ways which you may not have experienced before.  This is because those old world contracts for limitation have passed  in December 2012, and you have a new world contract for unity and wholeness that takes precedence over all prior experiences of life.  The peace you feel within as you do this inner work, is a product of the unity that is always present between your Inner Wisdom and the One Source of Life.

Spend time in this place and build unity with it as your primary relationship.  All other relationships will benefit by this unity with true self. As we ascend, this peaceful strength grow easier to access and live from until it is our normal experience.

Next Monday November 5th at noon ET (remember to fall back your clocks on Sunday night!) I will be talking about Ascension in my second interview on CUTVnews radio which is affiliated with NBC news. Below is the link — just click to listen LIVE:

http://www.blogtalkradio.com/cutvnewsradio/2018/11/05/part-2-cutv-news-radio-welcomes-back-award-winning-author-eve-wilson .

Below is the recording of the Oct. 5th Interview where I shared an amazing case history about an infant surviving 12 years beyond expectations and still going strong! and talked about my healing work – just click to listen:


May you live your life centered in your peaceful strength within!  Blessings and Love, Eve

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Tyra Petoskey
Tyra Petoskey
5 years ago

You are a gift to us all! Thank you Eve ??