Ascension through Politics

I spent this morning doing healing and ascension work around the polarized political dynamic in our country.  The pure energy of unconditional love and Holy Spirit wanted to just flow into our country and the Earth offering unconditional love and forgiveness.  It felt really good to just hold that for a while.  And with that a great deal cleared and ascended, which got me to thinking about what I want to write today.

My work with healing and ascension for our country during this election phase has taught me a lot.  The most beautiful thing I learned was when I asked how we were doing as a country with our ascension process.  I was awed when enthusiastically told that “it is going perfectly!”

I am so grateful to know this because from my human perspective that is not the phrase I would have used to describe it!  Now whenever I find myself judging, I remember to rephrase my thought to say “hurray!  you are ascending!”  Let me help you understand why the Higher Power sees what we are going through as perfect.

In our country there is a major force through those governing which to many seems harsh, cold and hurtful.  This brings an impulse through those who see it as harsh to resist that force with intentions to care for all things.  The more they resist the more the force opposes them, the more they are opposed the more they resist, and so we have a big pushing match in play.  My logical, sensitive mind and heart find this situation appalling and frightening.  But through my connection with the One Source and the unconditionally loving enlightened Beings who support our growth and ascension on Earth, what I see is this.  Those who are rising to the occasion to fight what seems bad to them are stepping out of complacency and finding within themselves strength of will they haven’t been using.  Choosing to take a stand and make strong choices based on personal conscience is building soul muscles and awakening a sense of purpose and a willingness to grow and work for the greater good.

When I look at this from a higher perspective I see that it isn’t a matter of right or wrong, because both sides see themselves as working for the greater good.  Whether or not we agree with them, I believe this is a strong motivator for both sides, though not true of everyone in either side.  What is really happening from a higher perspective is a soul growth opportunity.  We are experiencing the last gasp of the old world contracts through evolution motivating us into our ascension journey and our new world contracts.  People need to wake up and stand in their power and use their will, to seek a higher good and purpose for life.  But the higher purpose isn’t going to be achieved through the arena of politics and the old world which we have known.  It is going to be achieved through unity with our Higher Selves, Inner Wisdom and Higher Power which is  awakening the new world within everything which is.

It is like people feel they are fighting to save the world, and it is life or death.  But the old world is dying and there is no saving it in that way.  As the old peals away the new world emerges and we find ourselves stepping into something freer and more true altogether.  The new world is already here within us and growing stronger daily.  So the effort of our political parties and environmental and social activists aren’t going to save the old world.  But they are going to awaken people and bring them to life out of complacency which will help them ascend.

I have often said that people’s lives are like boats.  As long as they are beached, their Higher Selves can’t do anything to help them.  Those boats have to go out on the uncertain waters of life and then Higher Self can begin to awaken the internal compass of their Inner Wisdom to move them in the directions needed.  People initially may not know what direction to go on the vast water of life, and the water is much less stable and comfortable than the beach.  But we aren’t here to rest and recreate all the time, we are here to grow.  And this political situation is getting a lot of boats out upon the waters of life, where their Higher Selves can begin to work through them, build soul muscles and bring them into position to ascend.

Those of us who are already ascending are coming to know that fighting the political/social battles is not going to solve the problems, though we may want to contribute in an unconditionally loving and centered way when we can.  But for us the real work is to find our true center of Inner Wisdom and welcome our Higher Self to guide the boats of our lives.  We are building the soul muscles that help us stay centered, trust and welcome the unconditional love of the Higher Power to strengthen the new world within us, our country, and the Earth.  Jumping into the social/political/environmental fight and feeding the force of opposites we will experience ourselves and our world as breaking down, falling apart, failing.  Being aligned with our Higher Selves we find ourselves ascending and experiencing a new level of unconditional love and trust.  We feel our prayers and meditations strengthen the presence of the Higher Power in the world when we don’t judge.  We are learning the power of welcoming the Holy Spirit which flows from the One Source — which is the raw material for building the new world — so it is becoming stronger within us and all life every day.

I’d like to help you build your ascension muscles, learn the tools that help our world ascend and move quickly and easily into your new world experience a little more every day.  Your help is requested.  By bringing your willingness to ascend, and through your spiritual link to family and hereditary lines, cultural/social connections and soul groups you can contribute a potent focus for healing and ascension in our world.  What we can do by ascending ourselves will make it easy for people connected to us to ascend when they are ready — without pushing or judging what they should do.  When you add my spiritual muscle and my Ascension Worker Teams to the mix through Monthly Ascension Support Class you can make a huge difference for all of us.

Monthly Ascension Support Class is a joyful celebration of ascending. By healing, forgiving, releasing, uplifting and ascending we are empowered and enlightened to live in new and more successful ways.  Please let me know if you would like to consider committing to 6 classes – either live by teleconference or in person, or by recording if you can’t make it live.  Starting December 13, we will meet every 4 weeks on Thursday from 7:30 – 9:30 PM Eastern.  The class size has been running about 20 people and we are ready to increase that size and thus our influence for ascension.  We’d love to have you join us if it feels right!  Contact me at or through my website to enroll.  Or call 734-780-7635.

Here is the link to my Interview about Ascension on CUTV News radio.  This is archived so you can listen any time, and share it with friends!  It runs 30 minutes.

It is my privilege to share this work and an honor that you read and listen to these posts and interviews and attend classes with me.  Thank you for sharing, liking and commenting as it is right for you!

Blessings and love, Eve

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Kelly Sharpy
Kelly Sharpy
5 years ago

Eve, your words come as as validation for me. Yesterday I was telling a friend that this is the way I was seeing politics right now too. My heart is full knowing that I am seeing clearly for I have been doing my ‘work’. Your wisdom is awe inspiring. I enjoy your words immensely ❤️