
Who we are is love. This makes it beautifully clear that we need to let go of everything that is not love in order to be our true selves.  How do we do that?

The love that we are is unconditional love, so the first things to let go of are judgment and hatred.  These reactions are rooted in fear and stem from the evolution from Oneness into individuality which began at the dawn of time.  Fear and judgment are the first two lies that we told ourselves when we were birthed out of unity with the One and into independent lives.  Fear because for the first time we experienced ourselves as alone and separate – which of course we aren’t.  But these perceptions were created to help us let go of our absolute unity so we could root into our independent individual selves.  Judgment came because we felt that a) we must be unworthy for the One to exclude us from its presence – though it was our own selves who chose this journey of individuating and b) the One must be cruel and hateful to leave us here alone.  So these lies were foundational though temporary, helping us let go of our Oneness and learn to live as independent focuses of the Oneness of all Life.

While the reactionary beliefs just mentioned were valuable tools for our evolution of soul, they are absolutely not true.  We are and always have been One with the One Source of Life.  We are and always have been loved and worthy of that love.  The One isn’t cruel and hateful but is purely unconditional love, allowing us to experience ourselves as individuals.

Thus began the journey of evolution which we call the old world, and which we have been traveling since the beginning of time. All other illusions of the old world were built on those primary experiences of feeling afraid, unloved and unlovable. But the contracts and intentions of the old world journey have been fulfilled, and since December 2012 we are on the journey of ascension into the new world.  Having individuated already we are now in process of recovering our unity and wholeness with the One.  Even after regaining that we will continue to be individual focuses of the Oneness, co-creating a new world where unconditional love, unity and individuality are the foundations for our experience.  So we are having to learn to let go of all the lies and illusions from our past.  Though objectively we might think it would be much easier to let go of the lies than it was to let go of Oneness, it is at least as hard from the level of trust.  We have learned to mistrust the One, even disbelieve in its existence.  We have learned well that we are separate.  Reclaiming that unity requires trust which for most people is not readily available.  Those who are reading this blog might be expected to have a higher than average level of trust and unity, and so it is we and others like us who take the lead in the process of ascension.

Remember this true statement – Love is who I am – if it isn’t love, it isn’t me.  Claiming our true identity is essential.  Grounding into this truth we find that the old evolutionary system of lies begins to crumble.  Gradually with practice we find that we are living more from our unconditionally loving core than from fear and judgment.

Remember – true love is unconditional love – it is resistant to fear, hatred and judgment.  Even living increasingly in unconditional love during this transitional phase of shedding the old world lies, we will still feel those old feelings, but we can choose not to act from that old world identity.  Centering on our unconditionally loving core and accessing from there our Oneness, we can invite wisdom and compassion to help us respond to circumstances in a manner which brings healing and helps all of us to ascend a bit more.  Wisdom and compassion flow on a stream of unconditional love from the One Source through our true self and provide a loving buffer against the harshness of the old world experience.

In this way we are healing the old world fear and judgment within ourselves and also within the world — helping all of us ascend.

Thank you to my friend who is buying Riding the Wave of Change – Hope Healing and Spiritual Growth for Our World for holiday gifts this year!  In answer to her question, she can get them at . They are also available at Crazy Wisdom Bookstore in Ann Arbor, The Mind’s Eye Bookstore in Maccomb, Nature’s Products in Detroit and the usual online places.  I have Holiday Gift Certificates for Healing & Ascension Treatments or Classes but please contact me first so I can check to see that it is a good fit for the recipient at this time.  Or you can ask your loved ones to get a certificate for you for your holiday gift!  What a nice thing to give yourself.  You can email me at

There are still a few openings for our joyfully potent Monthly Ascension Support Class beginning Dec. 13. People love this class!  All Spiritual support is sent along with an MP3, so you won’t miss the experience if you might miss a class, such as the first because December is busy.  Thanks for considering whether you would like to gift the world with your support for its smoother ascension by participating, and yourself of course as well.

You are a presence of unconditional love in the world.  Thank you for growing your true self and letting the old dissolve as you ascend day by day!

Blessings and Love to You, Eve

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5 years ago

powerfully wonderful