Freedom & Ease

I am reassured by the ascension work I was permitted to do this morning on some of our deepest old world issues.  This very deep work happened so easily and I understand that it heralds an increase of freedom and ease for those who are actively ascending.

The world exists because there are energy structures in the spiritual layers of manifestation which provide the foundation for what we experience in the physical.  As a spiritual healer and ascension worker I know these are the levels where changes can be initiated.  What changes in spirit also changes in the world; and there is no change in the world unless it is initiated in spirit. But there does have to be someone incarnate to ground the Higher Power into the world.  I love this because when the time comes for me to work with change in spirit, it is just the Higher Power, unconditionally loving spirit Beings and me.  I don’t have to vote, run for office, spend a great deal of money, or fight with those who disagree.  When the Essence of Truth of God tells me it is time for change, I am eager to assist!  And I know then that change is inevitable and will unfold perfectly, though I don’t know how or when it will actually manifest in linear time.

The spiritual structures of the old world were designed to hold us as separate from unity with the One.  We needed this to individuate, but now it is time to reunify.  The old world structures we worked with ascending today are called miasms and the work which we did will create much greater freedom and ease of soul, spirit, mind, emotion and body for those on Earth and throughout our solar system and even beyond, making it easier to let go of old world separation and ascend back into unity.

Miasms are weaknesses in the aura that show up in the genetic makeup.  These cracks relate to the darkness of soul caused by hopelessness from dealing with the most harmful energies of the old world experience.  These weaknesses both create and are created by spiritual energies which embody the limitations of the old world, including war, sexual abuse, hatred, fear, and many very serious diseases that come from those energies.  I was told 14 different miasms received the gift of ascension into unity with the One Source today.  Their contracts are being rewritten to help with ascension into the new world of unity and wholeness.  I was unaware there were that many miasms, so this is amazing!

After the biggest shift occurred so sweetly and easily, there was one which was not as ready to shift and needed special attention. This miasm is related to war and the healing of it is helping woman during war, supporting their efforts to love, trust, provide safety and nurture what is good and true.  The planet Mars is an ascended planet where the energies of war are mastered already.  Assistance from that enlightened planet is helping us to fulfill our contracts with these old world issues so we can ascend them.

When shifts are initiated at this level we experience change in our lives.  Things may come up that pertain to these issues, but they will be coming up to clear and heal for us.  So when you find concerns arising personally or in the world you can welcome the Essence of Truth of God, by whatever name you use for that One Source.  Invite that One to be present with you and the concern.  Then release it into the care of that One to allow healing and ascension to occur in the optimal way and time.

When you participate in healing treatments or Ascension Support Class with me, it allows me to use my skills on your behalf.  What you experience as concerns for body, emotion, mind, spirit, family, relationships, finances or security that are ready to change can be assisted to do so in the gentlest way possible.  I hope you will join us starting December 13 for Monthly Ascension Support Class as we enter into the sweet river of ascension to learn to live in the new world increasingly and let go of the old easily.  You can contact me through this link to my new Contact Eve form on my website, or email at to join!

This Thanksgiving we have so much to be thankful for! When we look at our world from the higher perspective of ascension we can see the gifts of this time of great change.

Thank you each for being YOU and helping the world ascend!  Blessings and Love, Eve

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5 years ago

Tons of Gratitude!! And wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving ? ??

5 years ago

Thank you Eve, for all your work???