Telepathy, Trees and Nature Spirits

Here are some stories from my past which didn’t make it into Riding the Wave of Change.  Trees are some of my best friends and I have had some remarkable experiences with them.  And nature spirits…well they are always uniquely themselves!

Many years ago now, I was on a personal retreat in the quiet of Lake Superior National Forest in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.  As I neared the lake shore the trees took on a particular quality that I recognized as sentience.  I have never felt that consistent level of awake and intelligent consciousness before in a forest, except in a different way years later in the redwoods.  Prior to this experience I had met individual trees like that, but even today this stands out as a uniquely rich and amazing experience for me.

Walking amidst the towering old tree souls near the Superior lake-shore I felt that the very soil seemed rich with wisdom around the feet of these giants.  I climbed a small rise to a spring that arose out of deep green grass and tumbled downhill with that lovely sound of water tumbling lightly over rocks.  At the edge of that spring grew a great white birch tree — the largest and most beautifully perfect I have ever seen.  I spoke to her telepathically and thanked her for being there.  She spoke back! (This had only happened to me once before.)  Even more surprising was what she said     “You don’t have to yell, you know, I can here you perfectly well!  I’m a teacher and very busy teaching these young trees.” From years of talking to trees and not hearing a reply, I must have begun talking telepathically very loud; as though it were they who weren’t hearing, not myself who couldn’t pick up their replies.  I quickly lowered my volume.  Then I noticed a grove of young trees, where there must have been a clear cut two or three years prior.  As I turned to them I noticed that the silver maples reminded me of pre-teens, giggling and clickish and making comments about this stranger who  just spoke so loudly to their teacher.  The young beech trees were calm, spiritually bright and kind, and seemed wiser than their years.  I felt a little bit like Alice down the rabbit hole – everyone talked!

When I took a break for my lunch, I sat on the low hanging branch of a slightly older tree next to the grove of youngsters.  As I was eating I had my first ever encounter with a gnome who addressed me out of the tree where I was lunching!  While I couldn’t see it with my physical eyes, I could sense its’ presence and received an inner image of a very small body and large somewhat gnarly head (gnome!), and it spoke very clearly. It was curious about my food and wanted to try some.  Then it asked me if I would take it flying — it really wanted to fly.  I suggested that it should ask a bird to take it flying that I only walked.  That’s when it sent me the image of an airplane.  Oh!  Well, I told it that being in an airplane doesn’t really feel like flying, it feels more like being in a tin can.  You can’t feel the air movement or anything.  He was disappointed, but agreed that it didn’t sound like much fun.  I was charmed, and also learned a lot from this experience, about the rather child-like nature of some of the lower nature spirits.

Over the years since then I have had many opportunities to talk with trees and interact with nature spirits.  What I have learned is that trees really love to be addressed this way.  Not all of them will communicate back, but all will respond to love, appreciation and attention by perking up and glowing in their auras.  It really helps them to thrive and desire to stay in the world when you love them this way.  I also learned through a number of encounters with nature spirits that they are amazing and magical, but also come in a variety of levels of consciousness.  The higher nature spirits are more like angels – often called Devas.  These are enlightened, generous and purposeful beings.  Many of the other nature spirits can be childlike, selfish or even troublesome – lacking much of a moral compass, they may mislead or misdirect people.  But they can be fascinating, fun, sometimes beautiful; always mystical and unique.  I once met a whole field of gnomes and other lower nature spirits joining in battle.  There were a lot of them, and I was glad not to be in the middle of their battle, but watching from a slight hill.  I could tell you more stories of these interesting folk, but that will be for another time.

As we ascend we each become increasingly able telepaths.  This allows us to converse with all life forms including people, pets, other animals, all plants, or the planet herself.  When we do this we come to realize that all beings are souls, having unique intelligence.  We also learn the same things in spirit that we learned in the world…not all beings are enlightened, well-meaning or good even in spirit!  But they are all interesting.

Another thing that happens as we ascend is that we let go of the desire for someone in the universe to parent us. We have already grown up, and the universe wants us to partner with our true self and become mature in ways that no one else can.  Each of us has a unique purpose and gift, and in partnering with our Higher Selves we begin to co-create with God — the One Source — present within all things.  There is an aspect within most humans, very common in our current culture, where we desire to just sit back and watch the show, let someone else make decisions and entertain us, be like children – provided for.  I think this is because life has been disappointing in so many ways, it makes us tired of trying.  Well, that’s good because the old way of trying is disappointing and self-defeating and ultimately reveals itself to be dull.  But the new world is the opposite of that in every way.  It is fascinating and purposeful and holds all the potentials we long for.  So this is the time to get off the couch, and begin exploring the new world self which is waking up within us!

Try talking to some trees telepathically.  Make their day, and maybe they will talk back to you!  Communicate heart to heart with your pets, and let them love you and communicate the deep wisdom they carry beneath their playful exteriors.  Try talking telepathically to your kids or partner, letting them know that you love, admire and believe in them, even when they are struggling. Telepathy expresses from our hearts and deep feeling selves. The mind can focus the message but the power to send is from the heart and feelings.  Likewise incoming messages arrive through our feelings where we can understand them, and then our mind translates them.

Practice talking telepathically to your own self in a loving way and notice how your body, soul and spirit brighten up.  You are the eternal spirit that lives within your body, emotion, mind and aura.  As you identify with your true rather than your limited self, love flows into you and to the world through you as naturally as breathing.  Whatever you don’t love about yourself isn’t who you are, it is something you have for a reason though, so stop judging it and grow through it.  When you love it and learn what you need to from it, you will grow new soul muscles so your true self can grow stronger within you.

Telepathy is a way to communicate love that words cannot do.  It can also communicate hatred, so be careful how you use it.  If you think you get a negative response when you are nasty verbally watch out, because the response when you are nasty telepathically is 10 times worse.  You may wonder why someone hates you when you have never said or done anything to them.  Think again — what have you thought about them?  They hear it and know.  That’s when you can apologize telepathically too, and remember to be compassionate and kind to everyone. The same is true for your human self…be kind when you can and apologize when you are not.  The magic of apologies works even better telepathically than verbally.

The new world is being born within us now.  Enjoy yourself as you explore these new realities that grow stronger with each day.  As the old world dies, it appears to grow stronger, but it is really just in its death throws.  Don’t fight it, love it and thank it for doing its job.  Then return your focus to the new world and practice welcoming your true self into each moment.

Blessings and love on this adventure of life my friends!!  Eve

P.S. Monday Nov. 5th at noon I will again be on CUTV news radio talking about ascension this time!  You can join me live or listen to the recording. I will give you a link when I have it.

Monthly Ascension Support Class starts December 13!  Reserve your spot.

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Tyra Petoskey
Tyra Petoskey
5 years ago

Thank you Eve! What a beautiful story ??