Healing Hatred of Self & Others

The astrological transit this month of Venus Retrograde has been releasing a lot of old emotional issues founded in relationships.  The one that I want to write about today is in relationship to one’s self. Self-Hatred got a huge healing this week!

I found that self-hatred was a creation of the old world to help us to separate more fully from our unity with our true self; which is absolute unconditional love.  The old world experience is all about individuating, and while it is too big a subject to explain within this post you can find out more about why we needed to do that by reading my book Riding the Wave of Change – Hope, Healing and Spiritual Growth for Our World. Simply said self-hatred helped us to individuate by convincing us that we are not a part of unity and love.  And though over the past two hundred or so years as ascension began to pick up speed, people have made great strides in learning to love ourselves and each other, that ugly root of hatred has been like a poison ready to catch us when we were down or hurt in some way.

Hatred of others springs directly from self-hatred.  People who hate others may appear to love themselves, but what they are doing is protecting themselves by projecting their self-hatred onto others.  This allows them to believe themselves to be better and therefore more worthy than those they hate.  But we are all a part of God and all worthy of unconditional love.

It is a twisted situation, and impossible to resolve simply at a human level.  But that’s fine, because in truth it was created at a higher level and that’s where it can be resolved.  It is a purposeful construct of the old world stage set, and therefore temporary and in process of being cleared off the stage so unity and unconditional love can be born center stage in our lives and world.

So this week I was so happy to be a part of rewriting the contracts for this at the higher levels of spirit so it can be released as people are ready to do that!!!  Hurray!!!

The levels of structure that hold self-hatred are made of what feels like steel, only spiritual steel.  They are inflexible and unable to receive love or give love at all.  They have enough of a human layer to appear to be alive and human, but they are actually just heavy duty blocks, that carry the energy of being alone and unworthy and hateful.  So when you run into that kind of feeling, hopefully you will recognize it as not being true, but just a hunk of old world stage set for self-hatred.  Then you can step into your new world self and choose to live in the new world where love is not only possible but inevitable.

Here is a phrase you can use to help you make this transition:

The love of the One is within me and I am within the love of the One

You can use this as often and as many times in a row as is helpful for you to step into your new world self which is unity and unconditional love.

Thank you friends for Riding the Wave of Change with me here on planet Earth!  It is a gift to be together realizing the beauty at the core of all life, and finding unconditional love in the most unlikely of places.

Thanks for the nice comments last week!  If you didn’t see them they are at the end of last week’s post.  I hope you enjoyed my TV show on Exploring ESP#10 that I sent by email and also the radio show on CUTV news radio from 10/5.  Both are on my website and Facebook if you didn’t.  The radio show gave me a chance to share a touching and amazing case history of a child from my healing work, and the TV show gives me a chance to talk more about ascension and the journey we are on.

$10 off all healing and ascension treatments in October when you mention this post.

Blessings and Love Always, Eve

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