Fall Clearing for the World Aura

The aura of the world Thursday morning reminded me of Lake Michigan after a storm. There was a layer of debris that had risen to the surface of the astral layer and was creating some disturbance there.  It was my privilege to work with the One Source to help process everything through to wherever it needs to go next.

It’s my impression that this is a seasonal fall clearing.  All the new energy and shifts that have been happening for people and the planet during our growing season have allowed a lot of old world stuff to be uprooted and deposited in the astral aura like weeds piled up  after a gardening session (pardon my multiple metaphors!).

I think all that debris was bothering sensitive people, making them feel irritable sometimes, allergic sometimes, bringing up old angry or hurt memories.  This might be partly the uprooting process, letting these things go more fully.  But a good bit of it was just debris carrying old vibrations that set people off.

The clearing that we initiated will continue to process for a week or so.  It already should feel lighter for people and easier for the planet.  But if you find yourself experiencing a bit of “weed pulling” going on in your own soul and spirit, and it is making you feel disconcerted in any way, here is one of the meditations I use for that which helps a lot.  In this meditation we are affirming that everything is in truth “God”.  And all our experiences are contracted to serve our soul building process which increases our unity with our Higher Selves. — Please remember that when I use the term “God” what I mean is the clearest focus of the One Source of Life that we can access at a given time, beyond people’s religious ideas about it.  You can substitute other terms for that if you prefer!

You can use this statement once or repeat it until you feel relief:

All you are is God, you can’t hurt me you can only make me stronger.  Thank you for being my teacher.

You feel relief after using this statement because:

  • It reminds you that what is in your world is there for a purpose.  It helps you trust that after fulfilling that purpose within your life it will stop being an issue for you.
  • It reminds you that you are not a victim, because your own true Higher Self has created this experience for your benefit.  Since your Higher Self is who you are, you are already on that level, the master of this situation.
  • By aligning with your Higher Self, you know from the beginning that you are already victorious in this and all situations.  Your human self will have to work to understand and accomplish the necessary growth, but that is much easier when you are aligned with your Higher Self.
  • This alignment causes the grip of  fear, pain and judgment to lose its power to hold you back or define your experience.  Your true self can then more easily and quickly shift you into the greater enlightenment you desire, and for which this challenge was created.

I would like to share about an amazing new system we are using for classes which makes everyone’s experience easier and more personalized.  Working from the level of Divine Being — the Weaver’s of Reality — I have been taught to create a unique/individual classroom for each participant.  There each one receives teaching and healing in their own way, exactly as needed for them personally. The individual clearing and healing each experiences is handled within that space for optimal comfort and privacy. Amazingly there is still a beautiful sense of being together in class, and of the greater accomplishment as a group, but the experience is very peaceful and energizing.  People find they get more done and feel more alert and empowered during the process.  So when our Monthly Ascension Support Class meets with our current 21 participants, it is a very light and gentle but awesome and potent experience for each of us.

Maybe you would like to join us for 6 life-enhancing ascension journeys starting December 13 within our new individual classrooms!  What a powerfully positive way to finish up the old year and enter the new.  Each class is recorded and we send all the support along with the recording so it’s like you are there.  Then if you have to miss, you don’t miss out!  Let me know if you are interested.

Today at noon I will be interviewed by Jim Masters on CUTV News Radio.  This NBC affiliated show runs 30 minutes. Below is a link to listen live or you can access it after the fact as well:


Blessings to you this week dear friends!  Love, Eve

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Karen Maloney
Karen Maloney
5 years ago

I can agree with insights you shared Eve, as I experienced much of it myself. So glad to be feeling more centered and in my own power. Thank you for your work.

Thomas P and Mary E Garry
Thomas P and Mary E Garry
5 years ago

We continue to be inspired by you and your work. Revs. Mary and Tom Garry

5 years ago

Dear Eve. Thank for this blog. The 3 year old and the 1 year old that live me have been irritable off and on the past week or so. They and their sister have what appears to be allergic reaction to the changes around them. This has helped to know that this will end soon.
Hugs and blessings .Donna .