Earth Changes — Compassion & Unity

Watching the water rising on Lake Michigan where I am living for the summer, brings extremely close to home the reality of rising water levels around the world as our polar ice is melting.  I learned a lot as I …

How Does This Work?

My primary doctor asked me how my healings work.  I believe he was surprised by how a problem I’d been experiencing had resolved and that he wanted to understand what I did to facilitate that.

It’s not entirely easy to …

3 Visions of Transformation

I woke up one morning this week with a vision of physical ascension and was reassured by what I saw.

I saw the old world as an increasingly thin layer on the outside of our bodies; and the new world …

Changing Contracts

Old world contracts for individuals and the world reached the end of their span in December 2012.  For the past 6 years they have been going off-line as new world contracts began to take their place.  What this means for …

Birthing the Sacred Self

I am ever aware that many who read my posts are either non-traditional in their spiritual approach or are of a different tradition than the one I was brought up in.  I was raised by fanatical Pentecostal Christians and it …