Major Mind Upgrades!

Our old-world minds have been driving us crazy!  We can’t live with them, and we can’t live without them (LOL).  New world minds are coming down the ascension path and this week saw significant headway in that!

While doing a healing session this week, I discovered that my client had the big job of helping our human minds overcome old-world blocks to unity with our Higher Selves and the higher intelligence and love that is available from that level for each person. On a higher level of soul she is here to help our world ascend.  This kind of big job is typical of my clients and students, and when that is their job, they will hold a personal experience of the block which they have to work through as well for themselves.

This client has been working toward achieving greater levels of intuitive spiritual senses and guidance.  As we worked together toward that goal it led us to recognize her strong left (Linear) brain and the way that when it was engaged it overpowered her beautiful, strong, intuitive right brain causing a disconnect from her Higher Self.

This challenge is fairly typical, especially with people who’s professions require them to be very strongly focused on things like detailed, linear, logical, mathematical, technological or organizational levels.  Like this person, they may have extremely strong intuition and beautiful spirituality, but find it hard to bring it to focus and receive guidance and higher wisdom through their minds.

For many years, my healing work was aimed at temporarily helping people disengage from that left brain so they could engage within their right or intuitive/non-linear brain and all the deep wisdom and insights that experience holds for us.  But in recent years my work has been helping left and right brain work together and both find unity with our spiritual selves.  During my session with this individual, we were able to release significant blocks and instigate the increase of unity between right brain, left brain and higher mind/Higher Self for the world, and subsequently for her.  The corpus collosum which links the left and right brain and which during stress creates a disconnect between them also benefited by these upgrades.  It is becoming able to hold the unity between left and right brain hemispheres with eachother and with Higher Self.

We were also guided to receive upgrades for the whole world to the brain stem which controls many of our most unconscious body functions and our fight or flight inclinations.  Along with that came upgrades for our nervous systems and endocrine glands relative to the brain stem functions.  This is allowing our unconscious and instinctual selves to begin unifying with Higher Self to co-create instead of reacting based on fear or anxiety.

Increasingly I have been noticing that the work I am doing for our world impacts the whole world, rather than just addressing one element of the world’s population.  While changes won’t take place instantly across the whole world, they are set in place and made available in a gradual unfoldment affecting each individual or soul group as they are ready for that step.

Blocks are continuing to clear across the whole world as the week progresses and I continue working with these shifts which were instigated on Tuesday.  Since then, a lot of mental and emotional clearing is happening!  Lots of anger, fear, judgment, loneliness, resentment, bitterness, jealousy and other negative attitudes which may have been repressed in the past are now being booted out of their subconscious hiding places due to the increase of new world clarity and energy.  So, if you are experiencing deep old issues coming up, know that it is timely and major healing is afoot!

To take best advantage of this transition you can pay attention to what is coming up for you mentally and emotionally, but maintain an open heart and enough distance to be somewhat objective.  Objectivity can be achieved by centering in your Inner Wisdom which is your true identity and recognizing these things are your jobs, not your fault, and no one is to blame.  Then you can sort through what is rising up and  let go of much of it quite easily.

A good general rule is to let what is already resolved clear by holding unity with Inner Wisdom and Higher Self grounded into your body like a tree (See Eve’s Video #1 in the video gallery on my main website which has a link on the homepage of this site to learn about doing that).  Keeping an open heart and holding that unity, bring it right the challenging thoughts and feelings.

Once connected, observe your thoughts and feelings to notice what you have already overcome that can just clear as you hold that space.  What doesn’t clear will require more work, and possibly some action to strengthen your truth within that aspect of your life.  These will primarily be opportunities for you to grow, not to blame or correct others.  Though speaking up to others where necessary can help with your breakthrough in an area, ultimately life is about our own growth.  Others play roles in our life, making us grow in ways which overcome things like feeling victimized or hateful and bring us into our wholeness, strength and authority.  Self forgiveness and forgiveness of all others is a significant process within our ascension journey.  You know it has been accomplished when you can simply let go of your blocks around it and feel good about yourself relative to that issue.  You don’t have to like the other person or improve the relationship if you don’t want to.  Just do your part, the rest is for someone else to do!

Personal healing sessions can be an important part of working through these things and you can contact me through my website to schedule if you want.  And there are many tools in my website store and video gallery which may be helpful as well (available when you click the main website link on this blog’s home page).

While things continue to rise up to be cleared, I will continue to be on the job helping them do that for our world.  I’ve been feeling like a midwife supporting the “push” phase of labour!!!  It’s intense, but probably won’t go on for too much longer, I hope.

Wishing you a beautiful experience of ascending into your new world mind/brain!

Blessings and much love,


Resources for the Journey of Ascension:

  • !!! Now Enrolling – Healing & Ascension Monthlies are a diverse group of people shifting into their new world experience and helping others do so as well.  It offers potent support to smooth your journey of life, healing, and ascension. Join us for the next series of 6 starting 9/14/23. We meet by phone conference and classes are recorded should you have to miss every 4 weeks on Thursday from 7:30 – 9:30 PM. There is a base fee, but also a sliding scale if needed! To enroll visit  for more information and to contact me through my website. Or email
  • Private Healing & Ascension Treatments are available by appointment.  We will address the root cause of issues you contend with to unblock, heal and empower.  This also helps those connected with you and others who need this work. Then we will help you step more into your new world self which provides a new light and direction into your life and relationships. email  or visit  for more information, testimonials and to contact me that way.
  • Video Gallery – Interviews with Eve, Eve’s 3 Most Important Things Videos and More:
  • Self-Healing Mini-Classes are available on MP3 from my website store for as little as $10 at
  • Free Tools for riding the waves of change on earth:
    • 8 years of weekly word posts are in the archives of this site with practical/spiritual tools and teaching to help you find your way.
    • Previously Published Articles from Body Mind Spirit Guide and Wisdom magazines that give perspective on every aspect of life, healing and ascension.
  • My Book: Riding the Wave of Change-Hope Healing & Spiritual Growth for Our World helps people understand the positive purpose behind our present challenges and provides tools for riding the waves of change.  Available in eBook, paperback or hardcover at or in paperback at Schuler Books Westland and Castle Remedies in Ann Arbor, Mother Nature’s Remedies in Cheboygan.  Also available on where you can leave a review, even if you bought it elsewhere.  Thanks so much if you do!
  • Social Media – Join me on Facebook, Twitter, Linked In or BodyMindSpiritNetwork to receive Healing Treatment Coupons, Monday Meditations, Wednesday Inspirations and links to this blog and more. Links are present at the top and bottom of my homepage at and BMSN has its own section toward the bottom of that page.
  • Graduates of my Healer and Ascension Certification Course and HDP Courses may be eligible to participate in Grads World Ascension Class or Advanced Ascension Class.  Enrolling now – email









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Tyra Petoskey
Tyra Petoskey
7 months ago

How cool Eve!🌟. Working to balance and clear Hod in last weeks Qabbalah exercise definitely helped prepare us for this weeks work! Great stuff. Thank you all that you do 💜💜💜. Tyra

Christina Ziebarth
Christina Ziebarth
7 months ago

Hi Eve, I am so grateful for this! I have been utilizing my intuitive self a lot lately and I have been struggling significantly with utilizing my linear mind for school, feeling like I have brain fog and actual memory deficits. I am very hopeful that I will have an easier time bridging my two hemispheres after this! Thank you!!

Jeanette Farley
Jeanette Farley
7 months ago

Thank you, Eve. In the last couple days, I have had disruptive emotional feelings – sadness and anxiety over things not being what I would want them to be. And then the thought: oh, this is back for me to deal with again. But it helps alot to look at it with a desire to allow connection and balance between my right brain and left brain. There is something to be learned – a way to move forward and upward. I appreciate being connected with you and your insights.