Grateful! Why?

As we ascend, we are also growing deeper into our bodies and souls and may find ourselves experiencing new aspects to our personality.  This is wonderful but challenging.  There are many different shifts happening, but I will address one in particular which keeps showing up in myself and with my students and clients.

Many spiritually inclined people have tended to be more selfless than is optimal.  But they may find themselves lately having periods of very strong opinions and attitudes, even throwing the occasional temper tantrum.  What is going on!

In a more perfect world, we would all grow into our power as children.  At the early ages of two to six years old we would have learned how to express our feelings, opinions, desires and needs.  We would have parents that would teach us how to do that in appropriate ways which are respectful of others as well as ourselves.  But when many of us were children, we just learned to cope.  We may have learned to comply, be invisible, live outside of our bodies to dissociate from stress or suffering.  We might have given our power away, hoping to be loved for making everyone else important instead of ourselves.  Ascension is helping us to mature, heal and ascend these parts of us into wholeness.

There are also those who came to believe that they were more important than others, who as they ascend get to learn compassion and to care about the good of others and our world.  These and other lessons of human maturity have to be learned at some point.  They are on the agenda for self-actualization as we ascend.

Ascending now, those who have given our power away in the past may suddenly find ourselves with opinions, emotions and reactivity that we have not yet mastered.  Fortunately, though we missed the chance to master these reactions as children, it’s never too late.  But it can be frustrating and embarrassing, especially if we’ve gone through life in the past believing we had already mastered them.  Well, we probably have, we just get to do it again on a deeper level.

I have been working through this process in my own life for over 35 years — mastering a level of myself, and then finding I have to do it again on another level.  The years of deeper grounding and empowerment seem to prove that there is always so much more of me to discover and empower!

As we master these powerful energies of personality, it’s wonderful to feel free enough to accept and express feelings and desires in more comprehensive and increasingly appropriate ways.  I’m personally grateful those close to me still love me despite my own learning curve!  And I’m very grateful for each new increase of strength, courage, compassion, and willpower.  I humbly honor the option of apologizing when I have hurt someone’s feelings due to my lack of skill at these very human levels of reactivity.  I sometimes imagine creating a tee shirt that says:

Soul under construction – pardon the mess!

As we mature to a new level of wholeness in personality and soul, we can learn to be grateful and live in unconditional love even on that deeper level of ourselves.  Bringing unity with Higher Self and God into these parts we can choose not to judge the awkward learning curves.  Loving and embracing and bringing them up to speed with our enlightened self feels so wonderful.  We become happy and content but newly empowered, rather than impatient or pissed off at everything!  Welcome to the new world 2yr. old self!

In addition to healing and educating parts of us that were left behind in our childhood, we may also be welcoming new facets of our soul into this incarnation.  There is an element of soul rotation that happens as we ascend.  We release old stuck parts to go back to spirit where they can heal and join our larger body of soul that is always in spirit.  And then other aspects of our soul, built in earlier lifetimes will join our incarnation as their gifts are needed within our lives.  As we ascend, more of this soul rotation is occurring.  Our abilities to hold more of our soul potential and gifts increases along with our rise in vibration.  These new parts may also need help to overcome feeling frustrated at this crazy old-world experience.  We can reassure these parts of ourselves that it’s just how it is for now, and it’s going to be okay.  Then we can love these new frustrated parts of ourselves unconditionally and teach them to relax judgments and come into unity with Higher Self.  Once these new aspects of soul integrate, we will find ourselves feeling much more whole and confident in our ability to handle whatever life throws our way because we are increasingly whole and stronger than ever before.

Let me explain what I mean by soul – As I understand it, a soul is the body of learning we have built through working through the opportunities and challenges of all our incarnations.  Each of us has a huge body of previously built soul that exists in spirit.  Soul is the vehicle that allows our Higher Selves to incarnate and act within our lives. Each lifetime we contract certain aspects of our soul body to incarnate into our physical bodies.  Our Higher Selves are then able to incarnate into those incarnate aspects of soul once they reach a level of enlightenment that can hold that unity.

I love what happens when the newly incorporated parts of myself mature and harmonize within me.  Whether they are inner children or newly incarnating aspects of soul, as they come into harmony with my true nature, I once again feel wholly myself, only better than ever.  I am by nature strong, joyful, and loving.  It is hard when I feel the negative states of my less enlightened aspects expressing within my life.  I feel like – Who is this person?!  This can’t be me!  But as I work with my Higher Self to help mature and ascend these new parts, I love the greater wholeness and confidence it brings me.  This is why I am grateful – so very grateful for this experience!  Ultimately, I am just more myself than ever before and I love that!

One thing I learned as I worked this process myself is to honor the right use of anger which I had to learn to accept rather than avoid. From an enlightened place it can be used in unconditional love to communicate something which won’t be heard any other way, using just the right amount of force to get attention but not to damage.  Or it can be a wakeup call when needed.  That’s a whole different experience than anger which springs from hatred and fear (though that can be a wakeup call telling us to do some healing and ascending of our old world self!).  Anger can also be used to help push through something for which we need more energy and force.  If you are facing a huge task and find yourself being angry, it may be your way of overcoming resistance and fear and moving through what is needed.  Knowing this we can use it for that, and not project it at others or blame anyone for it.  It is just our strength rising up to meet the opportunity.

The limitations and challenges of our lives are always there for a purpose, though we may not immediately greet them with enthusiasm!  I recommend learning to quickly refocus negative reactions into something like the following attitude:

“Each circumstance is a timely gift for my soul growth so I can achieve what I most desire in my life.  I am not being thwarted, I am being assisted to accomplish my true purpose and be fulfilled.”

As we grow into the increasingly whole and ascended experiences of ourselves, we may find that the things we desired so badly at one time but didn’t get, don’t matter at all to us anymore.  Trust your life’s journey, there is a reason for the things in life which force you to grow.  Learn to center within, access your inner wisdom and listen to the clear guiding message which is always there beneath our fears, judgments, and assumptions of life.  That is your compass, and it always points you true north.  Your Higher Selves true desire is hidden deep within you.  Sometimes that message is so quiet it is hard to hear, but on some level, you know – you always know what you need to do next.

There may be times when your clarity will be clouded deliberately by your Higher Self, causing you to make a decision or go in a direction that is deeply challenging to you.  Don’t judge it or blame yourself.  Once you are there, stay connected with Higher Self and centered in your strength as much as you can.  Work to co-create the experience moment by moment.  You will grow the muscles you need and come through stronger, clearer, and better than before.

One step at a time we find our way home to unity, wholeness, and the new world experience of co-creating life with our Higher Selves.  It’s worth the journey!  I am grateful for your good work in your own ways.  One person’s success benefits all of us.  Thank you!

Blessings and love to you each step of the way,


Resources for the Journey of Ascension:

    • 8 years of weekly word posts are in the archives of this site with practical/spiritual tools and teaching to help you find your way.
    • Previously Published Articles from Body Mind Spirit Guide and Wisdom magazines that give perspective on every aspect of life, healing and ascension.
  • My Book: Riding the Wave of Change-Hope Healing & Spiritual Growth for Our World helps people understand the positive purpose behind our present challenges and provides tools for riding the waves of change.  Available in eBook, paperback or hardcover at or in paperback at Nicola’s Books Westland and Castle Remedies in Ann Arbor, Mother Nature’s Remedies in Cheboygan.  Also available on where you can leave a review, even if you bought it elsewhere.  Thanks so much if you do!
  • Private Healing & Ascension Treatments are available by appointment.  We will address the root cause of issues you contend with to unblock, heal and empower.  This also helps those connected with you and people with similar challenges when they are ready change.  Then we will help you step more into your new world self which provides a new light and direction into your life and relationships.  email or visit  for more information and to contact me that way.
  • Healing & Ascension Monthlies are a diverse group of people shifting into their new world experience and helping others do so as well.  Join us for the next series of 6 starting 10-13-22 and still enrolling until 11-10-22. We meet by phone conference and classes are recorded should you have to miss every 4 weeks on Thursday from 7:30 – 9:30 PM. There is a base fee, but also a sliding scale if needed! To enroll visit for more information and to contact me through my website. Or email
  • Social Media – Join me on Facebook, Twitter, Linked In or BodyMindSpiritNetwork to receive Healing Treatment Coupons, Monday Meditations, Wednesday Inspirations and links to this blog and more. Links are present at the top and bottom of my homepage at and BMSN has its own section toward the bottom of that page.
  • Graduates of my Healer and Ascension Certification Course and HDP Courses may be eligible to participate in Grads World Ascension Class or Advanced Ascension Class.  Enrolling now – email





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Jeanette Farley
Jeanette Farley
1 year ago

I love getting to see something of your perspective on life through this blog. Like most people, I don’t tend to put my challenges on to my list of what I am thankful for. It is good to see them differently.

Glad to have you doing what you do,


Francia Hidalgo
Francia Hidalgo
1 year ago

I apréciate so much your out of the box messages since your writings help me so much to understand my long life inner path. Thank you so much and lots of blessings to you!🙏💞