Blue Moon – Ascending Hopelessness & Despair

Saturday brings the second full moon for March – a Blue Moon; and it just happens to be in my sun sign of Virgo – the healer.  I have felt her pull as she has been waxing; and this moon has definitely called me to be on the job.  I would describe the focus of this work as ascending hopelessness and despair within humanity, and I have been blessed to see some truly beautiful healings these past two weeks.

Healing the deepest darkness within human souls has always been my job, and as I have grown stronger as a human, I have grown stronger as a healer.  Now, being part of this healing on the planetary level satisfies one of my deepest longings.  And though I know it isn’t finished, the speed and ease of the changes I experience now, gives me confidence and a joyful feeling for our future.

Healing and ascension always begins with an individual who is ready to change profoundly.  From there an influence extends into the family through the hereditary line, then through the soul group, from there through a culture and ultimately through the whole world.  More and more I find the individuals who come to me for healing open doors to larger and larger bodies of humanity. Now we are just finally starting to feel the greater shifts opening to all people on Earth.

Hopelessness is born of fear and leads to despair, anger, hatred, greed, and violence.  As the old world is breaking down within and around us, these darkest emotions and reactions become more common.  Hopelessness is the black hole from which they flow.  This is actually purposeful in the current phase of ascension.  The problems in the world push us past our civilized exteriors and bring up these deep instinctual wounds which need to be ascended.  As a Healing & Ascension Worker my job is to help us move through these things as quickly and easily as possible, minimizing the trauma of the experience.  However, I surrender to the Higher Power and work only by that power of unconditional love, because I realize I can’t see very often exactly what needs to be accomplished by these darker experiences for everyone involved.  So when I find I can assist, and I see the changes happen and the darkness of the world begin to lighten up, it relieves my heart and soul in a big way.

Each of us has these feelings, because we are a part of everyone and because we have been through much in this and in many lifetimes.  So when things are happening in our lives or our world which are so dark, it brings these feelings to the surface.  When we individually work through these feelings in our own selves, it is like hitting the gas petal on the vehicle of ascension for everyone!  That is why even people who are strong in spirit and working with ascension will have these feelings and experiences which cause stress.  It is to engage us in this process of healing so we can ascend ourselves and our world as well.  Below is a process you can use for this purpose:

Healing & Ascending Hopelessness & Despair –

  1. Breathe into your body from your toes to the top of your head and give yourself an inner hug.
  2. Breathe into your new world heart chakra and center there as though you were looking out at the world through your heart chakra
  3. Step back into yourself until you feel your spine is the middle instead of the back of you, this puts you in the middle of your aura and a quiet still place within where you can be objective emotionally, mentally and spiritually
  4. There you will find your Inner Wisdom; welcome it to expand and fill you, embracing the places within you which are in a negative state
  5. From your Inner Wisdom, ask the Higher Power, by whatever name you like to call it to release the old world energies from within you (all negative states fall into this category), and replace them with unconditional love.
  6. Imagine that you are like a tree with deep – vast roots and high branches, each receiving unconditional love from the Higher Power, like a tree receives sap and sunlight.  The more you allow yourself to ground like this, the more fully you will be able to release the negative states.  Let the love in and the negativity will flow out.
  7. Welcome your Inner Wisdom and your Higher Self to live within the newly healed parts of you, and to help you ascend.
  8. Ask to live in your new world self, in the New World Nursery and let whatever old world self that is still present be in the Old World Nursery, where it can prepare to ascend when it is finished with its job here.
  9. Step back into life with your new world focus of self, and enjoy the experience!

I wrote Riding the Wave of Change – Hope, Healing and Spiritual Growth for Our World as an antidote to hopelessness and despair.  When you feel like people are ready to receive that information, I thank you for leading them to the book.  An excerpt is available at and you will find samples of the original art and purchase options as well.  Or if you will be seeing me, I would be happy to sign a copy to someone for you as well!  Keep an eye out for information about events where we can meet in person, I will post them here, by email and on my website and social media.  I have a TV show coming up soon…I will let you know when it will air!

Join me on Facebook, Twitter and Linked in for my Monday Prayer and Wednesday Meditation each week!  And thanks for sharing this post with your friends!

After passing through this moon phase, I expect the energy to be lighter than ever, and look forward to that!

May your coming week be filled with blessings my friends!  Love, Eve

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Ruth Groff
Ruth Groff
6 years ago

Thank you Eve for this message that gives understanding and hope. I truly appreciate the in depth explanation on negative feelings and emotions and why we have them. You give hope with humor and love… which lightens the stress of this journey. Thank you also for listing ‘the process of healing’ directions… easy to take in and retain.