Change in an Instant

I had a beautiful conversation with the spirit of Mother Earth today.  She was joyous about the way some of us are working to unite the Higher Power with the physical planet and her life forms. The impression was that she wanted us to know not to be fooled by the apparent slowness of change; that as we continue this work, at a certain point change will come in an instant; the past will be released and the new world will begin.

I have been told this in other ways in the recent past too, with regards to people in my life who don’t appear to be working for themselves with ascension. Other than to be experiencing some of the ascension viruses and some of the breaking down and rebuilding processes; for these people I don’t see a shift in consciousness or choices yet.  However I have been told that as long as I continue to do my personal ascension work, and also do my ascension work for the world, that when the ascension process reaches a certain point, those who are choosing to ascend will suddenly do so.

I love this, because though there are many of us working to ascend, there are obviously many more people who are not really aware of it at all, and many have found that worrisome.  With this information, we can relax and just do our part, and trust that there is a bigger plan to handle the rest!

Everyone will ultimately ascend.  However, there are many roads to that point, and some of them involve leaving the world and the life a person has at this time before they ascend.  That is okay too, but it obviously is not what we personally desire for those we love.  All ascension choices come from an individual’s Higher Self, and all serve the greater good for that individual and also for the world as a whole. So whatever speed or direction a soul takes to this goal, it is best to appreciate and accept their unique journey.  Still it is joyful to know that there are many who don’t appear to be ascending with us, but they actually are; though at a level we can’t readily see yet!

The unity Mother Earth was talking about today is what we are aiming for in the exercises and tools I teach. When I ask you to be a tree, it is to unify your Higher Self and your Human Self – body and soul.  When this happens the substance of creation is generated, which allows the Higher Power to recreate our experience on Earth!  It is so exciting, and really such an easy thing to do.  I have taught this so many times, that I hesitate to make you read it again!  However, if you don’t know how to do that exercise, you can use the newly relocated search box at the top of the page and simply type in tree.  That will bring up a number of posts where I teach that technique, usually in a slightly different way each time!  Throughout my posts there are many, many tools to achieve this same goal.  I will continue to teach new ones as they arise for us to use.

I also wanted to mention that the comment button has been replaced: on the home page it is a balloon to the right of the title that you click to read or add comments, and on the full post page it is a reply box below.  It is such a joy when someone takes the time to share a post, like it or comment.  Thank you!

Spring is working its way out of winter in tiny steps this year, but she is coming.  Mother Earth is so patient with this process of ascension, though it is hard on her, she is thrilled by it.  She wants you to know that she is prepared to learn and grow with us as we all enter the new world together. She says the light of the Higher Power that you bring in through your work, such as being a tree, helps all creation to ascend into unity more fully.  It is a splendid contribution when you help in this way. And when a number of us do it daily the potential for positive change is exponentially increased.

On Saturday May 19th at 10:30AM Pacific Time, which would be 1:30PM Eastern Time my Keynote Address to the UCM 100 Year Anniversary Conference in San Jose will be live-streamed and you can listen in for $10.  I will be sharing my vision for the ascension journey on planet Earth.  I don’t have the registration instructions yet, but you can save the date!  I will let you know via this site and a flyer once I have that information.

Blessings, love and gratitude to you my friends!  Eve

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6 years ago

hmmmm,have tried to search f. “tree exercise”; unable to acess..o help,please❤️?❤️ thanx

6 years ago

What splendid news! I so look forward to reading your new articles every Friday ?. Thank you for all that you do!