Living Empowered

This week has continued with the deep emotional transformation we have been experiencing since the blue moon.  I was privileged to contribute healing and ascension assistance to women recovering from the loss of loved ones during wars, both in the present and going back throughout history.  So much of healing is easiest to initiate in the past.  In doing so the present becomes lighter and easier to handle, though it may still be very hard; it becomes possible.  There is a freedom that comes when our unconscious knows something is possible — because it happened in the past, therefore it can happen again.

To overcome the limitations of our past requires us to build muscles and strength in places within our souls where our past tells us it is pointless to try – just give up!  These unconscious messages from our past are a lot like the voice of children in the outer world.  Parts of us that are stuck in the past have to be responded to from a place of empowered maturity and faith – as we do with children to whom their needs of the moment are all they can perceive.  As parents to children, we teach them to wait, to ask nicely, to believe that something good will come though they can’t see it yet.  Our wounded selves need us to be strong in those same ways.

The strength to overcome is present when we unite our human instinctual self, our heart chakra and our Higher Self.  The human instinctual self draws up strength from the source of life from below through the earth.  But when it gets wounded it stops drawing up strength and we wilt like a plant without water.  We need to empower this part of us to receive the life force needed to move forward.  The heart chakra is the interface between our human experience and the higher energies of spirit which include our Higher Self and the Essence of Truth of God (or Oneness of Life if you prefer).  It is also the transformer, which turns spirit into human —  generating energy and facilitating healing — it is through the openness of our heart chakra that we can release negative energy to be cleared.  Our Higher Self is a facet of the essence of truth of God (this term helps us to access that One people call God, beyond human interpretations of it, as the oneness present within all life and from which all life flows).  Our Higher Self links us with that Oneness and empowers our life.  Our Higher Self is the creator of our personal life and designer of our experiences; in unity with The Essence of Truth of God for the greater good of life as a whole.

The Be a Tree Exercise I use is designed to create the unity of these aspects within us to empower our lives.  It goes like this:

  1. Accessing our Inner Wisdom deep within our new world heart chakra and centered back just behind our spine, we can welcome this seed of our Higher Self within our heart to radiate acceptance and love throughout our body and aura.
  2. Centering in our Inner Wisdom and allowing it to be the driver of the vehicle of our life, we can invite the Force of Unity (or Holy Spirit) which flows from the Oneness of Life, to be received like sap rising up through the bottom of our aura as though we were a tree with deep roots. Our roots extend from the base of our spine to 2 or 3′ below our feet and outward in all directions.  We can allow the “sap” to rise and join with the love flowing from our Inner Wisdom.
  3. As that energy rises and fills our “tree” of body and aura, let it put out branches and leaves through the top of our aura in all directions about 3′ above our head.  Welcoming the Force of Unity to flow from the One above, receive it like a tree receives sunlight.  Let it join with the Inner Wisdom and Force of Unity from below and together generate the energy of life.  When you do this right you will feel like there is a substance building that recharges you on every level and is available for your life.
  4. When you find yourself “wilting” during your days or nights, you can use this tool to overcome the resistance caused by past struggles which have not yet been healed.  Doing so builds a new experience for you, and helps to untangle those old world experiences so your new world self can blossom.
  5. Then you can ask to live in your new world self, in the new world nursery; which is a home in spirit that supports you during the transition of ascension.

If you have been working with power animals you can include them with your tree to empower you further.  You can also add small trees and/or power animals specifically in places within your body where you feel weak or have illness.  This will connect those more stuck parts of you more fully to the supportive and generative energies of life, and help release blocks.  If you would like to learn power animal work, you can enter the following blog post title in the search box above: A Positive Take on Disasters

Being empowered by the unconditionally loving spiritual source within and around you allows you to be both strong and relaxed in your life.  That isn’t to say that you won’t have plenty of challenges to overcome — doing so is a large part of our current ascension phase. However, you will find yourself carrying a greater inner confidence, peace and intuitive awareness of how to proceed to resolve things as you build the necessary soul muscles for your new world experience.  The voices of your lower nature which keep telling you to wilt, will begin to respond when you persist in bringing the positive forces in, despite their negative attitudes!

Here is another date to put on your calendar!  On July 11 from 7 – 8PM I will be the presenter for the Wednesday night service at Unity of Livonia.  My presentation is called:  A Healing & Ascension Experience.  It will be a talk and healing and ascension meditation. There will be a book signing to follow.  Fee: Love Offering.  If you haven’t been to Unity of Livonia, it is a lovely spiritual community, I encourage you to visit!

Have an empowered week dear friends!  And thank you for sharing, liking or commenting on this post if it pleases you 🙂

Blessings and Love, Eve

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6 years ago

Good post, Eve! Thank you!