Bypassing Fear

On the journey of ascension fear is the opposition, and also the teacher.  Fear is the core identity of the old world experience, so when you encounter it you can learn to recognize it as your old world self.  Fear can eat your energy and crush your spirit if you feed it enough.  Therefore the approach to take is to bypass it and feed your spirit with the unconditional love and truth which is the core of your new world self.

This approach is remarkably simple.  Don’t fight fear, recognize it as a toxic substance, and don’t engage it.  Instead focus on the clear center of truth which has been planted within you at conception.  I have been teaching you about this part of you, calling it your Inner Wisdom and guiding you to access it deep within your new world heart chakra.  What you may not realize is that your Inner Wisdom is everywhere within you and everywhere you are.  You are always in its presence, and it is always within you.

So when you feel fear, recognize it as a choice – I can feed it, or I can use it as a teacher to help me learn to identify with my Inner Wisdom and grow that part of me which is my new world self.

Things which feed fear:  entering into its miasma and believing it, basing your choices upon it, overeating, medicating it with addictive substances, judging, hating, belittling yourself or others, hoarding…to name a few.  Recognize fear as a liar and a teacher both and choose not to feed it.  This approach runs counter to our old world instincts, and that is the challenge.  When we feel fear we want to combat it, or quit and become hopeless.

Things which feed your Inner Wisdom and grow your true self include: centering, grounding, breathing and relaxing into your Inner Wisdom, your Higher Self and your connection to the essence of truth of God (Higher Power, One …) within you and all around you.  Stepping back into yourself until your spine is the middle instead of the back of you, and relaxing into the calm place there.  Choosing to live in your new world self, in the new world nursery which protects and empowers you during the transition of ascension.  My exercise Be a Tree is specific to teaching these skills.  Power animals are enormously helpful, empowering you to claim the strength within you, to live in the confidence and trust of your Inner Wisdom and Higher Self.

During ascension your goal is to enter into unity with your Higher Self, which is your eternal spiritual essence of truth.  Your Inner Wisdom is a focus of Higher Self within you and unity with it is the first step.  As you feed your Inner Wisdom and Higher Self connection your lower nature begins to disengage from the fear and to express your true nature of intelligence and unconditional love.  As that happens you are able to integrate your Higher Self more fully, and then you can release more of your old world – fear based identity.

In last week’s post, which is right below this one, called Living Empowered I teach the Be a Tree Exercise.  In the post A Positive Take on Disasters I teach Power Animals.  Here I will refresh your memory about how to access your Inner Wisdom:

Inner Wisdom Exercise

  1. Breathe into your body and give yourself an inner hug, all the way down to your toes and up to the top of your head.  Love yourself as though you are the most important person in your world
  2. Let your breathing carry your attention into your new world heart chakra in the middle of your chest and center there as though you are looking out at the world through your heart, instead of through your head.  Invite it your heart chakra to open back and front.
  3. Step back into yourself until you feel like your spine is the middle of you instead of the back of you.  When you get to the right spot you will feel yourself relax and be more open and grounded.  You will be in a part of you which doesn’t feel fear, so if you are still feeling fear, step back and open your heart a bit further!  This is a place you can go anytime you feel fear – step back until you feel your quiet center and focus there, open your heart and breathe.
  4. There in that still place within resides your Inner Wisdom.  Welcome it to fill your mind, emotions, body and spirit.  Rest there until all fearfulness is washed out of your system.
  5. Here in your true self you know you are eternal, safe and unbreakable.  You also know you are being birthed into a new experience of life.
  6. Identify with your Inner Wisdom and from that place of true self ask to live in your new world self and within the New World Nursery, which is a spiritual support system for us while we ascend.  It helps you feel at home in the new world until it is strong enough within us that we can stand their independently.
  7. I highly recommend you follow this up with the Be A Tree Exercise in last week’s post.  That will strengthen and ground you more fully into your true self and the spiritual support that is here for you.

Fear can be our teacher.  It is like a harsh smell that you can learn to back away from.  It is the old world and as you ascend into your new world self you will have to be increasingly careful to not engage with it or feed it.  The stronger your new world energy gets, the longer the fall into the old world can feel, and fear is what will pull you into it.  Don’t worry though, you can just step back into your new world self using the Inner Wisdom Exercise above.

You may feel shaken up after slipping into the old world fear, but that is also part of the old world fear experience.  The places within your body, mind and emotions which are most prone to feeling fearful or shaken indicate parts of you that need empowering so they can ascend.  You can utilize the Be a Tree and Power Animal Exercises, which I directed you to in this post, to help those parts of you ascend.  These tools will also help you to release things which aren’t really you, or which are too damaged to ascend.  You will recognize those type of things because they don’t let go of fear when you work with them.  Centered and identified with your Inner Wisdom, ask your Higher Self to help you release what is unable to ascend with you out of your body, emotions, mind and spirit. Let your Higher Self do it, don’t try to push it out, or you will inadvertently give it energy.

I have many other tools for helping you heal and ascend, but these three are my most constant helpers in the ascension journey: Inner Wisdom, Be A Tree, Power Animal.  So pardon me if I repeat myself in teaching these to you.  They really work, and I would like to encourage you to make them your constant friends too, as they are mine.

The ongoing cold this spring is also a tool for ascension.  Ordinarily by this time in the season, the life force of nature is pulling us out of ourselves and into a happy place stimulated by the world around.  However in the process of ascension our goal is to generate that happy place through unity between our human self and our Inner Wisdom and Higher Self.  So though it is grueling to have such a long, dark, cold period, use it to build your new world muscles by going within to your own inner warmth and light!

Mercury retrograde ended, but for some reason this time there is an extended “shadow” which is continuing to make things confusing and frustrating, and stimulating fear and anger.  This makes this post even more timely, I hope you find it helpful.

Have a good week my ascending friends! Blessings and Love, Eve

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6 years ago

Thank-you, Eve! Reading and re-reading these posts are one of the first steps I have taken to change my habitual responses that come from fear. I appreciate them..helps me keep the faith!

Liz Squire
Liz Squire
6 years ago

Fabulous Eve. Thank you as it is so pertinent right now. xxxxx

6 years ago

I have so appreciated rereading this the past few days. It has been so helpful. Thank-you Eve!