Touching Benevolent Spirit

We have just entered the season of expansion of soul! During the warm months our sense of self expands and is received into the radiant forces of benevolent spirit, moving through our sun and into our planet. As we are touched by these energies, they lift us out of our narrow sense of self and help us feel a part of all life. Over the summer as we abide in this radiant love, the Higher Power implants within us seeds of love that stimulate our sense of Higher Self and our growth into wholeness.

As the unconditionally loving spiritual energies increase with the growing light of the sun, you can open your heart to welcome these gifts into your heart, mind and soul.  Let yourself make time to relax into the energy of love, like falling in love again with life.  Let that love grow within you and allow yourself to flow more.  Practice trusting enough to become a partner with the Higher Power, letting true intelligence and love from spirit influence your choices and your life, instead of needing to control everything yourself.

This expansion of self, which leads you to touch and be touched by spirit will continue to increase until summer solstice; but like the sun in the sky, you won’t notice it gradually diminish until the days begin to shorten significantly.  Then as you return to your more human boundaries in the fall, you can cherish the new sense of self, enlightenment and joy which is growing within you.  It will emerge as a light from within during the darkest season of the year.

I love this journey of the seasons that Rudolf Steiner so beautifully explains in his Calendar of the Soul, so much that I included some of the verses in my book Riding the Wave of Change – Hope, Healing and Spiritual Growth for Our World which is available at  

Here is the verse for April 26 – May 2 from The Calendar of the Soul:

I feel the being of my being:

So speaks the heart-sensing,

That in the sun-illumined world

Unites itself with floods of light.

It would give warmth

To thinking’s clarity,

And firmly bind

In Oneness man and world.

On May 19th you can join me when I present the Keynote Address and an Ascension Workshop from The Universal Church of the Master in San Jose!  For just $10 per event you can register to participate from home by live-stream.  Visit my website for more information and the link to register:

Save the Date: June 30th I and my artist daughter Kara Bradley will be doing a Riding the Wave of Change book event at Think Outside the Books In Ypsilanti.  Details to be announced!

Enjoy this season of warmth and soul expansion my friends!  There are beautiful gifts of unconditional love and wholeness waiting for you to experience them. Thank you for sharing or liking this post, if it pleases you to help people find and connect with this work!

Blessings and Love, Eve

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