Deep Change

The energy of the full lunar eclipse on Saturday supports healing of deep unconscious wounds that have been holding us back.  You may find yourself revisiting places in your memory that have not fully resolved, even though you may have worked on them before.  Now an element of the experience which you may not have realized before can be understood and released, allowing deep change to occur in your life.

You may not realize how much these old stuck places can keep you from moving forward and living up to your potential, but they have done so.  Be ready now to experience a release.  Some of what is released may be old karmic issues from multiple lifetimes.  Some issues to clear may have been carried forward through your hereditary line on either side.  Some may be huge soul group blocks that will allow many souls to shift once they are released.

This is also a time where deeply held habits and self-defeating behaviors or weaknesses can be overcome and new behaviors can be established.

The influence of this “blood moon” will be felt for months.  Get ready for shifts to take place.  This would be a great time to do some healing and ascension work, to optimize the benefits received during this opportunity for change.  There will be another lunar eclipse in September.  Think of these as a tide of change.  The wave comes in, then goes out, taking the old with it, then comes in for a deeper level of release as this tide rises.

Check out the new class that just got posted to my website: New Class .  Love and blessings as you ride your wave of change in the coming week!  Eve

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