Ascension Shifts for Life on Earth

Looking at the planet from an ascension healer’s perspective, what is most apparent is the energy field of the world.  That is the place where our experience is built.  It is like with people, what you find in your physical body is a product of your mind, emotions, soul, spirit and soul contracts and all that has gone before through your heredity and past lives.  All that is observable in your aura. Multiply that by about a trillion and you have the planet’s causal elements (what causes things to be as they are).

So my job is to work with God and the angels and enlightened ones who are helping re-create life on earth to release and heal the energies of soul contracts, past experiences, soul groups and contractual limitations that are holding the world in old world states of fear and limitation. The contracts from our old world experience ended at the beginning of 2013, and now the world and all souls on it are beginning to shed the old self, like a snake shedding its skin.  My job is to make that release easy and then to ground and support the integration of higher levels of contracts, soul and true conscious being that are prepared to incarnate into our new world experience at this time!

This spring brought a huge amount of unblocking and rebuilding of the foundations for the world and receiving of the vibration of Holy Spirit and Unconditional Love.  The advent of summer with the Solstice this past week brought a huge increase in the energies of wisdom and unconditional love.  We could call this energy The Cosmic Christ, but if that sounds too religious for you (it isn’t but it can sound like it is), think of it as the arrival of that level of being that this world was created to accommodate.  The new world is all about the arrival of this enlightened consciousness which exists within all creation and within each of us in a totally unique and whole way.  We are all part of that one, but each an independent focus of it.

This sounds very esoteric and vague, but it is solid and true.  The energy field of our world has shifted.  The actions and experiences of people are slower to change than the aura and spirit.  But where the aura, soul and spirit has shifted, the earth and all on it will shift too.

Please join me in welcoming the advent of this true and amazing energy into our world and invite it to awaken within your own soul and experience.  You are in the right time and place to let this happen here on earth!  Congratulations!

If you are finding these shifts make you feel awkward and cranky, that can be helped with a healing & ascension treatment.  You can start by opening your heart chakra and asking it to be tuned to your new world self and that will begin to lift you into harmony with your higher truth!  Love and Blessings on your journey, Eve

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