Space Healing

The places we live and work have a soul and a history.  They may carry memories and attitudes or energies of the people who have lived there prior to you; or they may hold spirits that resist moving on and into the light.  There are also earth merideans and water ways that carry energy into your home and may set a tone that doesn’t support peace and joy. Your own history there leaves an imprint over time and that of your family or co-workers.  Sometimes there is a need for protection from neighbors, co-workers or even family members.

As we ascend we feel clearer and so may notice the energies around us if they don’t feel as clear.  On some level we sense the lingering aura of the circumstances of the past and the souls or energies that don’t belong in our lives.  It helps us to stay true to our own vibration when the places we live and work have good energy.

I do amazing healing and protection for spaces, land, homes or offices.  Often there are some energies that need specialized help to be released or handled safely. Here are some basic clearing tools for you to try and if these don’t work, I’d be happy to lend an expert hand.

Light a white candle, and as you ignite the wick, welcome the presence of the pure light of the source of life, or God which the flame easily carries into your home.  Let the light expand, fill and carry up to the Source those energies which are not living in the light and are ready to clear.  Lighting more than one candle will be more effective.  Let them burn for a while and invite the light to fill the whole house.

Native Americans burned sage.  The smoke of sage carries your prayers to The Higher Power, so it isn’t just the burning, it is the prayers you say as you burn it.  Lighting a stick of sage or smudge, use a feather or a fan to blow the smoke throughout the house, going into cupboards and corners and asking that the unconditional love, light and truth will carry out what is not in harmony with yourself and your family and take it to The Higher Power or God.  Ask that it fill your home with peace and harmony.

May your home be filled with peace,  Eve Wilson

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