Spiritual Perspective

Because you are a part of the Oneness that is God, you are a part of everything!  That means that every time you have a victory over fear, self-doubt, judgment of self or from others, hatred, jealousy or illness, everyone has a victory!  When we have a victory over the old world state of separation from wholeness, we succeed in being loving, true, whole, successful, in harmony with the greater good, free and grateful to be alive.  This means that God is hear in the world just that much more today.

Every little bit of God Consciousness is 100,000,000 + times more powerful than every fragment of separation.  This fact increases exponentially as the world is ascending to be more in harmony with God every day (although it may not look that way if you are watching The News).  So, don’t judge your day by the many little miseries and failures.  Credit your success today by every victory of faith, and every action taken from a perspective of unity, love and trust.  Every time you find a way to do that, the new world is born a little bit more and the darkness of separation and fear is weakened greatly.

You are making a difference in the world by allowing God to be here every day a little bit more!  Isn’t it so exciting!!!  I wish you could see the results from the perspective I get when I do healing work for people.  I see how big an impact your courage, perseverance, faith and love has on the universe and it is grand!!!  Thank you for being yourself.

Love and blessings on your journey of ascension this week my friends!  Eve Wilson

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