Balancing Spirit and Earth

With ascension every part of you gets to find unity with your eternal and true spiritual self.  You can facilitate the ascension process by remembering that you are both physical and spiritual and that all parts of you can increasingly harmonize and work together to bring unity to your life.

So when you are working spiritually, remember to also be in your body, allowing your body to wake up to unity with spirit too.  And when you are working physically; exercising, making love, doing housework, anything physical, remember to invite your higher self to be present and to wake up within every part of your physical self too.

Balancing spirit and earth within yourself helps you to ground God into the world.  This can empower your prayers, visualizations, affirmations and healing work.  When you partner the physical with the spiritual source, anything is possible!

My healing/ascension treatments are all about strengthening this unity within you.  Where there are blocks to unity and wholeness, I partner with God and your higher self to heal and bring balance and wholeness where it is needed.  The energy of summer is perfect for supporting unity of spirit and earth within you.  You can contact me at evew@spiritualhealers.comWishing you all the joys of summer!  Love and Blessings, Eve

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