
Hi friends on the ascension journey!

The journey of ascension is comprehensive; every aspect of our bodies, souls and lives will undergo change at different points along this path.  Because change tends to bring a subliminal level of anxiety and sometimes more conscious as well, my job is to help you navigate this experience with greater ease and confidence.

I was given the word thankfulness for you this week.  Thankfulness that springs from the heart and soul generates a substance, or medium for true, higher spiritual energies to support you in your life.  There are so many levels of unconditionally loving support available to you  when that substance is there which allows you to receive it!

I find that even when my mind gets cranky about stuff, there is a place within my heart and soul where I am truly and deeply thankful for being here in this body and this life at this time.  Centering on that deeper place, I find my sense of humor and an ability to be patient and trusting; that although I may feel frustrated by circumstances, there is a reason for them.  From this place, I gain a deeper understand the value of everything.  Then I can stop fighting the flow and just trust the process of life.

During this transition period where the old and new worlds are co-existing; one often breaking down, and the other just being born, we can experience more potentially frustrating circumstances than usual.

When you experience this, rather than fighting with your frustrated mind, try going deeper into your heart and centering on that thankful and trusting core deeper within yourself.  From there you can flow with the river of life until you are beyond the obstructive rocks and find yourself increasingly in the calmer waters of the new world.

This is a ride that will take quite a number of years, so we have lots of time to master the journey.  In doing so we will ascend increasingly into our mastery on all levels and will, I am confident, be grateful to enjoy that more enlightened experience!

I am thankful for you, my friends; each doing your part on the ascension journey.  Each step toward our own master, provides support for others to do the same when they are ready.  There is a reason for others to spend more time in the old world experience, so we have to learn to be OK with that.  We can’t hurry them, we are just paving the road they will eventually walk too.

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