Stronger Inside

Every aspect of your life is going to undergo change due to the ascension process.  One day it may be an aspect of your physical body, another it may be your emotional self, some days it will be the planet or our society.  There are so many levels of change that are happening and change of this sort will be pretty constant for the foreseeable future.

In order to maintain  personal  balance and focus during all this change, it is important to increase your inner strength.  Think of it as balast on your sailboat during strong winds at sea.  It keeps things stable and upright.

One tool that is a quick way to get back to your new world focus when your old world energies are transitioning and you may feel more tired, in pain or negative than normal is  to use your new world heart chakra.  I will remind you of how to do that in a moment.  Also for those of you who have them, my set of 4 CDs has a lot of tools that help strengthen and stablize your new world self.  If you don’t have them, drop me an email and the set is available for $ 35 plus $ 5 shipping.

New World Heart Chakra:  This recently emerged chakra is a couple inches above your old heart chakra in the middle of your chest.  Just breathe into your heart chakra and go deep within until you are near your spine, where you will feel a place of balance, clarity and inner knowing.  Let yourself look out from within that place as though you have eyes in your chest.  Then ask to be tuned to your new world heart chakra and you will feel uplifted and clearer still, as though you are full of light and more whole.  Then ask that all your chakras be tuned to their new world energies.  You can go on to tune any part of you that needs tuning up in this way.

If you haven’t already listened to it, there is a fabulous new world exercise on the recording of my March show on with Annette Abin of In Touch Interviews.  It also has a lot of great new information.

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