Ascension for Animals

A week ago I added a puppy to my family which has brought to focus a lot about animal intelligence and animal ascension.  It feels like having two dogs for a time is for the purpose of working on these things.  One of my guides, an Ascended Master Teacher asked me to get this puppy for her to work through so we can work together more effectively.  She picked Tobias out for me and he is the smartest dog I have ever known at only 11 weeks today!  I saw her do some energy work for him and some upgrades; although I didn’t know what they were, it is clear that they worked!

I was called to do some work with the way that animals, in particular those who are pets have been bound to human service through a combination of soul choice and sorcery.  This was initiated back in Atlantis.  We worked with releasing those contracts and binds so that as we ascend, those we love as pets can ascend into their true nature and where desired, a true partnership with us.  As we all become able to communicate telepathically, and as animals ascend to be able to hold the true inteligence of their souls within their physical bodies and minds, the need to control through force evolves into a willing partnership and respect.

Tobias is teaching me a lot about this.  AsI look ahead I  see in about 10 years a whole different relationship emerging where he will be able to be more independent and self-responsible, and I hope he will still choose to be a member of my family, but it will be his choice.

I have been wanting to offer something more to you than this blog and so have created a Monthly Ascension Support Class which will begin on March 21st.  It will be personalized for people on every level of spiritual development, offering the support, upgrades and tools that you are ready for at the time.  Missed classes will be recorded.  There will be no formal homework, or tests.  Just support for your journey.  Click this link to email for more information: or if that doesn’t work on your computer just email me normal at that address. As always I will check with your higher self and the healing ascension guides whether this class would be a good fit for you at this time.

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