Laysan Albatross Gift — Hawaii Lesson #2

Hawaii is one of three places in the world where Laysan Albatross breed.  It took me two years to find a way to meet these amazing new friends, but I did it!  Now I am deeply touched by their amazing souls and excited to share their unique journey with you.

Where to begin?!  Imagine a bird about the size of a duck with a wingspan 10-12 feet long making them the longest winged bird in the world.  Beautiful — soft white and slate grey with a long slightly hooked peach bill, they look like they have strong eye makeup, and their bills appear to slightly smile.  The impression is of gentle sweetness and their energy is pure love.  They mate for life but spend most of their life on the wing above the ocean, sometimes not coming to land for years.  On land they are clumsy, with huge flippers. (Imagine yourself with water flippers walking across the beach!)  They have to run long distances along the ground to get into the air, unless there is a sand dune they can run off of.

In the air, they are peerless flyers.  Able to lock their elbows to glide on the wind just above the waves.  Wind is necessary for them to travel endlessly without expending any more energy than you do sitting on the couch and using your remote control!  So, they tend to fly where the winds are strong, often at the edge of storms.  They sleep in the air.  It is thought that they take naps for mere seconds, but also known that they can sleep with half their brain at a time still awake.

I was fortunate to be on the island where they mate and nest when I finally met them and their darling, spikey-feathered chicks.  Each pair has one chick, and they only come to land to breed every two or three years.  After the first 6-8 weeks of a chick’s life, during which time the mothers don’t eat, the parents leave the chicks to travel up to 10,000 miles to find their preferred food and bring their chick one meal.  During the week or two between parental visits the chicks wait alone on the ground in their nests.  We witnessed chicks alone and chicks with parents present.  The affection they all have for each other is so evident and touching.  I found myself intrigued, needing to learn what the gifts of this strange lifestyle are.  What is the effect of being alone as a chick?  How do adults experience life constantly on the wing?  What is their spiritual nature and their gifts to the world?  These are the questions I have been asking in my meditations with them; and I will share what I’ve learned thus far with you.

In meditation I joined an albatross’s flight above the ocean.  I found that they are strongly connected with the essence of truth of God.  I perceived that as a visible beam of connection between bird and God.  Following that connection, I discovered that they are Ascended Master Beings or what many call Christ Beings.  Pure love and unity.  I observed how they fly low and close to the windward side of a wave, preferably a big one, then catch the upward draft of that wind to soar.  What I found is that their unity with God is strongest during that activity.  There is an exhilaration and joy in that which charges them up and keeps them going as long as needed.  There is so much energy that they don’t need to sleep.  They rarely move their wings, but when they do it is a tiny wrist movement, mostly their elbows are locked, and their wings are rigid.  They are in their element, and it is as natural as can be.  Beings of spirit in bodies which are barely of the world, so unified with God, they are just this side of angels.

Living on wing for years at a time, they bring their sweetness and unity to earth to mate and give birth.  The chicks alone in their nests are likewise connected to essence of truth of God and protected in that wholeness and unity.  They are also strongly connected with their parents telepathically and feel the freedom of their flight.  They learn through that connection most of what they need for life.

I have the sense that they are so strong in spirit that they only need food occasionally and little sleep.

At first I was uncertain that they had a message to share with us, but I was told by essence of truth of God that they do, and that it is a very important one.  As I listen from my heart what they tell me is that we are right on the edge of the new world already.  That though there is still a long flight ahead, and some challenges and dangers, there is fun too and adventure.  That this is our time to shine and we will find our way home to the ascended experience.  Like the albatross we can grow so strong in spirit that we can ride the waves of change, like they ride the currents of air; with confidence and courage as the power of God lifts us into unity.  We can travel any distance and will always be provided with what we need when we are co-creating.  We are never alone, even when there is no one with us.  Love and provision will come.  We are cared for always.  We are eternal, safe, and unbreakable.  What is breakable is temporary and can be safely released when the time comes for that, because something better will be coming.

There is such a buoyancy that I feel as I return to my human focus after meditating with the albatross.  The albatross has no ego, fear, or judgment.  They are pure love and unity though also unique individuals.  I receive their gifts from my time with them to strengthen my human unity with Higher Self and essence of truth of God.

As humans, the idea of our eternal oneness with essence of truth of God can be tough to hold as we face our days, nights and ego reactions to life and change.  The lesson of the albatross can help us to remember who we are in spirit and earth.  To own our absolute unity with the eternal One.   And our unique individual partnership with that One to co-create our lives.  They teach us about the ascended new world experience and can help us to surrender our fears and judgments.  To ride the waves of change on earth with confidence and grace.

We may be awkward on the ground.  But the ground is not our natural state.  Like the albatross we are creatures of spirit.  But we’ve been stuck on the ground for a really long time!  And our jobs are different.  We need to be on the ground to lift it into its spiritual state too.  But we don’t have to identify with the weight of the old world.  We are here in unconditional love to serve the ascension of all life.  What a powerful and lengthy journey that is.  The albatross’s story can help us to step up to our unity with essence of truth of God, so the power of that can lift the weight of our journey and make it an easier and lighter experience!

Blessings and love to you dear friends!  May you find the lightness and sweetness of spirit filling you with trust and co-creating with you all your days and nights.


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Sally Pinchock
Sally Pinchock
1 year ago

Thank you, Eve, for introducing us to the albatross. What an amazing metaphor for our lives, especially now.
Blessings to all, Sally

Francia Hidalgo
Francia Hidalgo
1 year ago

🙏 💕