Healing Hatred, Fear + War

I am so grateful to have you to share this wild ride with!  Lately the depth of healing and the multitude of layers of world ascension have given me both challenges and hope.

I have been called to work with the relationship between emotions, instincts and mind.  Finding so many layers of hatred, fear, defensiveness and aggression I have had some talks with essence of truth of God about why we have them and if we are ready to let it all go.

The answer to the first part I already knew, but it helps to refresh my understanding:  War, hatred, agression, fear, competition are all tools of the old world leading us to find the strength within our own individual selves to grow into sovereign beings.  When we were all One we chose to build individual vehicles for expressing many unique facets of Oneness as individuals.  The fulfillment of this process is sovereignty or ascended mastery — becoming whole within ourselves and able to hold unity with Higher Self and all creation without losing our own sense of individual uniqueness.  This allows us to co-create reality with eachother as many facets of the essence of truth of God.

The answer to the second part of my question was yes!  We are ready to let these things go, but it is a process which takes time. It is a deep unraveling.  Also some souls are making use of this time to complete some karmic opportunities before we all ascend.  I was asked to have compassion and unconditional love for those who appear to be agressors in this process and those who appear to be victims.  I am reminded that the experiences are chosen by both for a purpose and to release my fear and judgment and yes — hatred of the behaviors and painful experiences those others have chosen.  Also, to release any guilt around the blessings I have in my life over those of others.  That we are all where we need to be in order to achieve the goals we want to fulfill on earth during this transition.  We each have our own waves to ride and all should be honored.  All souls can be viewed with compassion.  All actions can be understood as purposeful and ultimately good.  This is hard to do sometimes, but it is essential to my work.

Over the past few weeks I have worked at increasing depth on these things, seeking to build the new world and achieve a level of balance and smoothness as the old stuff clears.  And it is clearing powerfully, easily, rapidly.  But there are so many levels and layers and I can only understand and work with those which are ready at any given time.  Here are some of the things which I have experienced and supported along these lines:

– Mind and emotion tend to compete rather than cooperate.  I’ve been working to help achieve greater cooperation.  To do that I’ve been supporting greater unity for both with Higher Self.  This is like training toddlers — they get it in a wobbly sort of way, then they forget what they learned.  In some ways it is like retraining old people who are very stuck in their familiar ways. (We are all old souls, with many incarnations and soul memories behind us and old habits to break).  You work hard to break through the old assumptions, feel you are making progress but then as soon as your focused elsewhere they fall back on old instincts which are built in the old world.  Habits of fear, competition and the judgments and hatreds that are built into our souls over so many lifetimes rise up.

– This has led me to work retroactively back through history and beyond into those early civilizations like Atlantis and Lemuria and prior to them as well. Co-creating with essence of truth of God I help to release energy blocks, emotional and mental stuck places and beliefs, old stresses and traumas.  Then work together to strengthen the new world energies to help us lift into a vibration where those things are no longer an issue for us. I’ve done these things so many times, but each time I work this way, there is more to be done, so I keep going as I am allowed and guided to do.

– I have been working back to the original invitation from the One to build the experiences of separation and the contracts and structures of the old world as illusions to give us the workout gym for individuation.  In that early place of our evolution I have been inviting our angel selves, Higher Selves and the essence of truth of God to enter into the separation and open it to increasing unity.  We do this with the request that it be better than if that unity had always been present, so it feels familiar enough for us to surrender the negative states of mind, emotion and body.  So we can lift into the lighter unity of the increasing new world experience.

– I have found layers of structure within the emotional layers of our auras that remind me of girders and underlying machinery beneath the walls of buildings.  That surprised me because the emotional or astral aura is extremely fluid and I don’t think of it as holding rigid/imovable structures.  But they were there!  These have been updated and recontracted to dissolve as we no loger need them individually or collectively.

– A lot of clearing of broken soul parts (Lots!), discarnate souls and entities, emotional energies and thought forms is happening from within our souls and our bodies.  I’ve been finding lots of ancestral and soul group soul parts and entities within the deep layers of physical bodies.  Mucus membranes, lymphatic tissue, intestines, stomache, throat, sinuses, ears, eyes and cartilage have all been letting go of soul parts, toxic emotional and mental energies and becoming increasingly sovereign.  So if you’ve been having symptoms in any of these or other areas of your body, you might ask for clearing of these things and see if that improves your symptoms!

– One thing which I love is that there is very little resistance in the old world energies or in people.  It’s there occasionally where things are still needing to function in old world ways to fulfill their contracts.  However, that has become a rare thing to encounter.  The biggest challenge is working on so many levels and figuring out where the work will be effective.  It’s like playing Jenga — which piece is ready to move that won’t upset the whole structure of our world.  Fortunately I have contracted with essence of truth of God to be prevented from interfering with the optimal process of unraveling the old world and co-creating the new.  I am blocked from knowing anything until it is time for me to work with it!

– Even with all that reassurance that I will be prevented from doing harm, I still feel the stress of working so close to the front lines of change.  Standing at the boundary of the old world and new can be like standing in a strong surf at the ocean with a strong wind blowing sometimes.  Multiple forces pushing and pulling at these times makes me grow deeper and stronger in my new world self so I can continue to be part of this process.  It’s both very intimate to me and alternately very objective and not about me.  The intimacy of being a human transforming gives me access to the world healing and ascension.

– I believe you know what I am talking about here.  We each face these dynamics within ourselves and our lives.  I am grateful for the work you do within your own inner life and outer field of responsibility.  I know you are growing stronger in unconditional love, faith in yourself and the greater good of all.  Building the partnership with Higher Self and essence of truth of God that allows you to co-create the new world right where you are.  Every bit anyone does builds the greater unity and wholeness of the new world within our Earth expereince.  Thank you.

– Next week is the final class of the recent Monthlies Series.  March 30th begins the new series of 6.  I invite you to participate both for your own growth and ascension and also to help fufill your contracts to support your family and soul groups to heal and ascend.  Each participant brings a wealth of connection and our class meditations help them go deep into the place where change is possible for them and those connected with them.  Once they are there it possible for me to help the participants and our world much more comprehensively to heal and ascend than if it were just me.  this helps us all to live increasingly in unconditional love and release fear, hatred, judgment, greed and war.  Thanks to all  those who have participated over the past decade of this series.  I look forward to continuing to ride these waves of change with your help!

Blessings and Much Love,


P.S.  You can find the links for contacting me, learning more, signing up for class or healings and much more in Resources at the end of any post in January.  All February I’ve been working on a Chrome book which makes it difficult to put that information at the end of my posts!  To make it simple you can comment here and I will respond.  Or you can email me at evew@spiritualhealers.com or use the link to my website on this site.


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Tyra Petoskey
Tyra Petoskey
1 year ago

Beyond grateful for your work Eve 🙏🌟💝

Francia Hidalgo
Francia Hidalgo
1 year ago

Thank you so much for this wonderful work you are doing, it feels so good in my body.🙏🙏💞💞