Amazing Vision of the Planet Ascending

We on planet Earth have been working diligently to ascend the root chakra and the physical body for some months and the genetic ascension has been advancing strongly during this time.  Last month ascension was initiated into the planetary body as well, which really excited me because previously the planet has seemed to be waiting for us to do what we need to do first.

This morning I was shown a womb in the root chakra which I had to explore to find out that it is really in the physical body of the planet, not just my root.  Though it looks dark and empty in essence I can see all the creatures there – a Giraffe represented all of them to me, looking like the classic ark image with the long neck sticking out and the sweet head.  I perceive all plant life there as well.

As I understand it there will be seven different stages of this ascension with seven different wombs.  The first wave will begin just after Christmas, gestating and then lifting into the new world the first layer of earth and group of people.  That will pave the way for the next womb taking the next wave of ascending people and more of the physical world.  And this will continue over the next two years.

These are odd wombs in the sense that with a normal womb the child grows within it and is expelled into the world.  But in this the womb becomes the world and then the world is lifted into the new world experience – kind of a transition vehicle to a new dimension.  At least that’s my impression.

This process feels like it will lift us out of our old-world bodies into the new, which I’m relieved to see since the old has been a bit wobbly and painful lately!

What doesn’t ascend in one of these wombs will be taken out of the old world in a different way.  A significant amount of what is left will be stage props – appearing like real people and things but lacking depth of reality.  Like those stage rocks that are just plastic and hollow inside!  What is real will be healed, ascended, or transitioned in the right way for each.  What is illusion will be cleared when it is no longer needed.  I find it reassuring to know that the darkest elements of humanity and human experience are primarily stage props.  These very dark things are necessary to move people up and into the light, repelling us from the inclination to hold onto the old world.  As stage props, it means that souls don’t have to actually live those experiences, we just have to see them as potentials to avoid.  They are very convincing illusions.

Even when we have, in different lifetimes participated in very dark experiences, where necessary we went as shells or parts of us were as shells – a little bit of real self, and a lot of illusion.  This made us feel blocked and limited, not able to ground, but it helped us to survive those experiences.  It makes it possible to shed the darkness of them more easily as we ascend and incarnate our true selves.  So, we need to love, forgive and release those dark aspects and embrace the reality of our unity, unconditional love and wholeness.  We can stop trying to fight with the darkness both within and around ourselves.  Ascending into unity and wholeness is the solution to all the world problems.

This is why it is so important to embrace our new world selves and the unity with Higher Self that brings.  We can’t fight with those old stage props, they are just programmed to create blocks, and don’t respond to reason.  They can only play the role they have been designed for.  I’m working with Essence of Truth of God to update their contracts from their very beginnings so when the time comes for an individual to release them, they will let go.  But we have to be willing to let them go too and not expect them to change to be like us.  They are not made of changeable soul, they are props.  We can change by embracing our truth and let the new world stage enter our lives and experience.  Just let the stuff that won’t heal and ascend go into the care of the Higher Power and unconditional love.

All creatures, souls and life forms are eternal, safe and unbreakable.  Ascending is like awakening from a frightening but interesting dream into a new and beautiful day filled with unlimited potential.  It is a bit slower than that, but hopefully you get the idea!

With each phase of the 7 ascension wombs, there will be a period where people need to awaken to the realization that we are in the new world.  We will have to let go of the stresses we have endured and learn to accept the beauty and grace we are entering.  So, from most people’s perspective their ascension into the new world won’t feel complete until they accept this new unity, unconditional love, freedom and purpose of the new world.  Like someone struggling to awaken from a bad dream, for many it will take a little time.  But we will be supported and encouraged as needed to wake up and appreciate the beauty of our new experiences.

We can prepare for this awakening by using the healing and ascension tools available through Resources below this post.

Blessings and love to you dear friends as you celebrate this holiday season and the awakening light within our bodies, souls and world!


Resources for the Journey of Ascension:

  • My Book: Riding the Wave of Change-Hope Healing & Spiritual Growth for Our World helps people understand the positive purpose behind our present challenges and provides tools for riding the waves of change.  Available in eBook, paperback or hardcover at or in paperback at Crazy Wisdom Bookstore in Ann Arbor, Nature’s Products in Detroit, Mother Nature’s Remedies in Cheboygan.  Also available on where you can leave a review, even if you bought it elsewhere.  Thanks so much if you do!
  • Free Tools for riding the waves of change on earth – Eve’s 3 Most Important Things Videos: To help you live in your new world self and strengthen the new world for all of us, there are 3 videos on this site which are free to all.  Type Eve’s 3 Most Important Things into any search box on this blog site to pull them up!  In addition, there are 8 years of weekly word posts in the archives of this site with practical/spiritual tools and teaching to help you find your way. There are many articles on my website previously published in magazines that give perspective on every aspect of life, healing and ascension.
  • Private Healing & Ascension Treatments are available by appointment.  We will address the root cause of issues you contend with to unblock, heal and empower.  This also helps those connected with you and people with similar challenges when they are ready change.  Then we will help you step more into your new world self which provides a new light and direction into your life and relationships.  email or visit for more information and to contact me that way.
  • Self-Healing Mini-Classes are available on MP3 from my website store for as little as $10 at
  • Enrolling Now!!!Healer & Ascension Certification is now enrolling for those who wish to become Healers and World Ascension Workers. Graduates are eligible for legal UCM Healer Practitioner Certification. To enroll email  or visit  for more information and to contact me that way.
  • Graduates of my Healer and Ascension Certification Course and HDP Courses may be eligible to participate in Grads World Ascension Class or Advanced Ascension Class.  Enrolling now – email
  • Healing & Ascension Monthlies are a diverse group of people shifting into their new world experience and helping others do so as well.  Join us for the next series of 6 starting 11-11-21 still enrolling until 12-9-21 by phone conference and recorded should you have to miss.  We meet every 4 weeks on Thursday from 7:30 – 9:30 PM. To enroll visit more information and to contact me that way. Or email
  • Social Media – Join me on Facebook, Twitter, Linked In or BodyMindSpiritNetwork to receive Healing Treatment Coupons, Monday Meditations, Wednesday Inspirations and links to this blog and more. Links are present at the top and bottom of my homepage at and BMSN has its own section toward the bottom of that page.
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Tracey Darling
Tracey Darling
2 years ago

Stage props and illusions.

Reading this has helped me understand some things a bit more. Good stuff. Thank you!