Overcoming Fear & Anxiety

Everyone is dealing with fear and anxiety.  Here are my best tools for overcoming that and thriving during this world ascension virus season!

The following statements are absolute truth which help you stand in your power.  If the word “God” bothers you, just use Essence of Truth if you want, which means the clearest focus of truth that we can access at this time.  I place that prior to the term “God” to define that I am bypassing people’s ideas about that and accessing its clearest focus.  Or use another term you prefer.

When you feel afraid or anxious try working with one or all these statements, said within your heart and anywhere you feel tension in your body. Do so repeatedly until you feel relief:

  • I am eternal, safe and unbreakable
  • All you are is God you can’t hurt me, you can only make me stronger, thank you for being my teacher
  • The Essence of Truth of God is within me and I am within the Essence of Truth of God

Why these statements work:

  • All created beings are eternal, safe and unbreakable. Our bodies are transitional, but who we are can’t be hurt.  As we ascend, we are learning to identify with who we are and less with the bodies we wear at any given time.  However, this virus is working our genetic molecule to ascend our bodies to a higher level.  Someday soon our bodies will be so much a part of our eternal true selves that they will become eternal too!  They will change at need to manifest the qualities necessary, but they won’t die.  Until then, the virus will only take our bodies out of the world if it is time for that to happen.  If it does, we will return to a state more natural and comfortable for us and will likely choose to reincarnate into the new world at some point.
  • All beings and circumstances are a part of the eternal oneness that is often called God. They are contracted to play a variety of roles on the stage set of the old-world drama.  All roles are purposeful, and we contract to interact with others and circumstances in the ways which make us grow and mature our human selves with the goal of ascending into unity with our eternal selves.  Therefore, COVID-19 is our friend.  It is shifting every aspect of our world, helping us to let go of the old-world way of being from our genetic makeup to our finances and everything in between.  All of it is ascending now.  Our vibrations are rising quickly into higher levels preparing to enter and entering the new world.  So, though it looks bad, all is well.  This teacher is doing an amazing job.
  • The third statement above helps us to embrace our individual unity with the oneness of all life. It brings comfort and makes us strong in that unity.  Unity with true self is our greatest protection from coronavirus because if we are already there, we don’t need to become sick to shift us up to that experience.  It will only do for us what we can’t do on our own.  Our immunity lies in our proactive choice to identify and live in unity; to co-create with our Higher Self in each moment.

These ideas may or may not be new to you, but we are all learning to fully embrace them even if we are aware of these truths.  The world ascension virus is taking us from the idea of things to the reality of them.  What used to be optional becomes essential for our body’s survival and for the fulfillment of our lives.  As we ascend, we help all those connected with us to do so more easily when they are ready.  We are all eternal, safe and unbreakable!

Blessings and love for a successful journey of life my friends!  Eve

P.S.  Graduate Healers from my training programs, please email me if you haven’t received the invitation to help with our journey through the world ascension virus.  evew@spiritualhealers.com

P.P.S. Coupons for Grand Opening of The Bridge to Wholeness Store

$15 off Healing Treatments when paid through the store before 4-22 Code BE-WELL

$5 off Self-Healing Mini Classes through 4-22 Code BE-WHOLE

$30 off next Monthlies Series when paid in full by 4-22 Code HEAL-ASCEND Starts 6-25

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