A Time of Rapid Ascension

When from the deeps of soul
The spirit turns itself toward being of worlds,
And beauty wells from space-expanses,
Then draws from farthest heavens
The force of life to human bodies,
And joins with mighty action
The spirit’s being into human being.
 ~ Rudolf Steiner Calendar of the Soul

This verse from the Calendar of the Soul written about 100 years ago, speaks to the spiritual influence of spring on human beings. The increasing closeness of the sun bringing cosmic light, beauty and inspiration to our experiences.  What a gift and a joy it is to me, to experience spring during our current time of ascension, where the quality of spirit, life and newness is multiplied by a new level of dawning enlightenment and unity for all humankind.
The stay at home regimen and the influence of the world virus on our genetic makeup has instigated a time of rapid ascension. Whenever I touch base with my fellow world ascension workers, we are all marveling at the huge steps up humankind is making because of these influences. It’s like the spiritual version of Costco. Everything is moving in large packages instead of individual servings! Though it is a lot of work, I can’t help but rejoice at the speed of our ascension process.
I want to tell you what is shifting, but really it is everything! Here are some highlights:
– Rigid ego structures which have blocked the receiving and giving of love and allowed people to behave without compassion are clearing in mass. We call these structures the foundations for chaos and hundreds of them are being re-contracted to help our world ascend. These changes are occurring from levels which affect all of us through our genetic line and beyond.
– Huge ascension shifts are healing childhood sexual abuse and the soul group, family line and cultural influences that have carried that forward. Clearing of shame, trauma, fear, jealousy, hatred, blame, broken soul parts, entities and the spiritual foundations on which this all was built is occurring. Twisted emotional, mental and sexual attitudes and influences are healing, and there is an influence of forgiveness for all of those who have played roles in these experiences. New levels of hope, freedom and love are coming for these souls.
– Pets are making great strides in breaking through the contracts which have kept them limited and subservient. Moving more fully into unity with their Higher Selves, their instinctual power is becoming more integrated with their spiritual essence. This is bringing balance, wholeness, healing and ascension to them body and soul. They have always been inclined to channel their Higher Selves which are usually our spirit guides. But now they will be integrating their Higher Selves into their bodies and souls. As this occurs, we should feel their powerful unconditional love and true friendship more comprehensively. It might be good to pay better attention to the wisdom they are bringing us!
– Finances are shifting more into the control of higher intelligence and unconditional love. The enforced stoppage of work is allowing money to ascend!

There is infinitely more, but these are a good cross section of the shifts we are seeing.
I so appreciate how people are choosing to enjoy this time off work. I love seeing families spending time together in ways that will leave lasting blessings for children and parents as we all mature in our lives. The beautiful spring is giving us much to be thankful for and enjoy. And I especially want to honor how people are staying calm and doing their best to relax with this process. I know it challenges us, bringing up fears. Many are using this time to process through and release those fears, discovering that things which were hard to release previously are easier now, despite the circumstances of our lives.
Please let me know how I can serve you during this time with healing treatments by phone. I know it can be hard to spend money when not working, so I am willing to discuss ways that I can work with you on that, by reducing fees or working out a payment plan if needed. Whether it is a health issue, or a desire to resolve anxiety and fear; whether for yourself, your children or your pets. I will always make sure that I am able to help in the ways you need before I schedule with you. I will only work where I know I can help. Email me if you would like to explore working together! evew@spiritualhealers.com
Blessings and Much Love,

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4 years ago

What a wonderful positive message, like all of your messages! Sometimes it helps to look at the forest and not just the trees! Thank you Eve!

4 years ago

Dear Eve,
I am reading this after our meditation on 4/20/20 and I certainly had the experience of some sexual abuse that happened in childhood. I’m so grateful for the work that you are helping me and the world through.

Lisa Lee
Lisa Lee
4 years ago

Thank you for this Eve! Jim and I are living in Las Vegas now. He is the senior minister of Unity of Las Vegas and I quoted you – comparing this time to a spiritual Costco – in my meditation segment. That’s a playful analogy that was received well! 🙂
Much Love to you!
Lisa Lee