Focus On Unity – Free Power Animal Training

The ascension process recently shifted its focus from breaking down the old world to building the new world!  Good work Planet Earth!  These two are mutually dependent now, but the building phase will increase over time to become predominant.

We are building a world founded on unity of all things.  Though unity is just a hairs’-breadth distant from Oneness, the distinction is essential!  Oneness is everything being one.  Unity is endless diversity all working together to create wholeness and a world where the One can experience itself in unlimited creativity and love.  I am excited about this! And thrilled to be here on this journey together with you!

Since my work for ascension is to help all of us on Earth to make this transition as smoothly and gently as it can I am always looking for ways to overcome the big bumps on this journey.  Toward this goal I have been teaching people in this blog (and classes & treatments) to gain the skills and soul muscles needed.  For months I have wanted to add to my essential free trainings for ascension what I consider the last essential piece (at least for now) — finding and using Power Animals. This training is now available to you on Body Mind Spirit Network!  Add this tool to those I have been teaching in my Video Blog Series – Eve’s 3 Most Important Things and you now have my most basic set of essential tools for ascending. At the end of this post I will direct you to where you can access these free trainings.

Power animals are a first person tradition which is common to all races on Earth.  This commonality is one of many indications of the efficacy of this empowering healing tool!  A power animal is a way to awaken within the subconscious/instinctual self the unity, strength, courage, will power, confidence, self-love and healing needed to rise to the occasions of our lives and succeed on all levels.  It is also extremely helpful in the process of ascension because it helps us to heal and release past traumas, limitations and step up to the love and unity of the new world.

Power Animals are spiritual gifts from the One directly to us of an animal spirit which holds the qualities of soul which we need.  The way I teach this the animal spirit isn’t taken from any living animal, but comes directly from the One.  Each animal manifests characteristics which can be medicine to someone who is weak in those characteristics.  For instance a lion is the epidemy of self-confidence, while a bunny embodies the ultimate of gentleness and vulnerability.  A gentle person doesn’t need more bunny, but they may need more lion!

The power animal you get using the method in my free class isn’t likely to be the animal you already identify with.  It will be the animal which carries the qualities which most balance your personality and empower aspects of you which are lacking or repressed.  For example: working with a predatory animal as a power animal won’t make you predatory – I promise this!  But it will make you strong enough to avoid being preyed upon by those who are.  So if you find yourself attracting those who are aggressive or hurtful, you may need a big powerful predatory power animal which will put out the vibe that you are NOT PREY!  You will be surprised what comes to you and the specific nature of the gifts it offers because they will be exactly what you need. So keep an open mind and be willing to be surprised by the animal which comes to you as a gift of healing and empowerment through the Power Animal Training. Then after finding your animal do some research online to learn its lifestyle and unique traits that you may need to work with so you can integrate the gifts.  Include the sounds it makes, food, relationships, the unique ways it moves, etc.

For those who have worked with me in private or in a class, you all have power animals.  Some of these were given to you as medicine for your life by me, and some of you found them through working with the meditation in this training.  Either way, when you take the training you are likely to find something new and specific to the challenges and growth opportunities of your life in the present.  You can’t really have too many power animals, but you may need more than one.  Follow your heart to know if it is time to find a new one!

The process you will undergo is called an Upper World Journey.  That means that you will be exploring within your own unconscious self in much the way that you travel in your dreams, but while being awake.  Through your open heart, you will connect with your deep feeling self and simultaneously with your unity with the One.  This will allow the power animal to come to you authentically.

Learning to work with your power animal in order to “take your medicine” ?  you will need to let yourself drop your civilized, adult cloak for just a bit; and using your imagination like a child at play, work with your feelings, instincts and more primal self.  Enjoy this!  It is food for the soul, bringing balance, deep release and relaxation in ways you have been longing for.  It is an amazing gift.

Once you receive your power animal you will be directed to practice “merging” with it for 28 days.   This helps you integrate your power animals gifts into your unconscious self.  Then get ready because in future posts I will be teaching you in more depth how you can use this gift to empower and heal yourself.  Some of what I teach will be new even for those who have studied with me.  It only waits for you to do this first piece before you can do the next pieces which are some of the most potent gifts I can share with you!  These will be things I use daily for my own healing and ascension and which I most desire to pass on to you my friends.

The Power Animal Training will guide you to work from your heart and not from your head.  But if you find it hard to do that, then try doing the exercise after taking a good walk or exercising in an even more rigorous way.  This will help you to be in your body, and not stuck in your mind.

Power Animal Training – go to: Find the category Groups (Tribes) in the left side menu.  There you can join my tribe Eve Wilson Bridge to Wholeness.  Then click on Courses right below Groups and choose Power Animal Training.  Then ask to join this free training.  I will respond with an invitation to do so.  You can also take my Body Communication Training for free from the network Courses page.

Eve’s 3 Most Important Things – you can find these three video tutorials by typing Eve’s 3 Most Important Things into the search box (with the magnifying glass image) on the home page of this site.  Combine these with your power animal and you have a very potent set of tools for entering the new world!

Good journeys my friends until we meet again next week!  Thank you for commenting about your experiences with these tools and your ascension journey, and for liking, sharing or otherwise passing on this information!  It’s great to be in community together to support the adventure of ascension.

Blessings and Love, Eve

P.S. You can help our world to heal and ascend and empower your own journey as well!  Join Healing & Ascension Monthlies – 6 classes meeting once in every 4 Thursdays starting 12-12 from 7:30 – 9:30 PM.  Email me to sign up:

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