The Worse It Looks the Better it Gets!

Last week as part of the Healing & Ascension Monthlies Class we experienced the biggest DNA ascension shift that I have ever witnessed!  One of my ascension partners commented that this was a nice change from all the negative stuff going on in the world.  Which led me to coin the phrase:  The worse it looks, the better it gets!

The shift surprised me, showing up as I connected with Lake Superior to help ground the 30 people working with me for the class; to support all the shifts they needed to make this month.  I was being guided to focus on heredity for the healing and ascension meditation; and as I worked to pave the way for that I saw something really phenomenal happening.  There was a beautiful thick deeply golden substance, that reminded me of the color of the sun when it is low in the sky at night.  It was Holy Spirit in the most substantial manifestation I have seen.   It began to appear for the students in the class, but I understand it is also forming for people all over the Earth; focusing first on those in the class.  It began in the legs and moved up through the pelvis where it expanded into a golden halo around that area.  Then moved down to the feet and up through the rest of the body.  Gradually it flowed into the inner three layers of the aura which pertain to the physical body but remained strongest in the pelvic area.

I came to understand that this was a genetic ascension shift taking us 4 steps up from where we have been.  It is happening for everyone in our world and 14 worlds beyond over the next 8 or 9 months.

This is something I have been awaiting for a long time!  Physical ascension follows spiritual, mental and emotional ascension, and most of the shifts I assisted with previously have addressed those other elements predominantly.  So all our previous work is paying off!

I really want to thank the participants in the current series of Monthlies Classes who have been open to working harder than ever before in this series so that this shift could happen.  I have been teaching them to build the muscles needed to own their Higher Selves on much deeper levels, and to practice it comprehensively.  I know this hasn’t been easy but they have embraced the opportunity and grown strong enough to help this shift to happen.  Thank you!  I also want to thank the Healer & Ascension Cert grads I invited to participate in the Advanced Ascension Class for agreeing to take up this work.  They are learning my more potent set of tools to help us take this work to the next level.  It is awesome to see their strength and gifts at work.  The combined power generated by these groups and my wonderful Ascension Group who assist these classes has allowed this and also some other powerful shifts to happen in recent weeks.  It gives me hope and excites my love for this work to have your assistance on the ascension journey!

What I feel happening with this shift is the building of our new world bodies.  Our genetic material, our cells and all body functions have to shift to a whole new type of reality, and do it while we are living in these bodies.  It is an awesome undertaking!  As these shifts occur our bodies are dying and being reborn a bit at a time.  The new world bodies are made of a kind of crystalline light structure.  Not crystalline the same way we have crystals in the physical world, but more like pure energy; a specialized structure of Holy Spirit which is the raw material of all life.  Luckily all parts of us can recognize this new energy as feeling more like home to us than our old world bodies ever could.  So though there are old world systems in place which resist the shift, when and as they are ready to release their contracts things can change to this new reality.

Most of my work with ascension has to do with helping those old contracts to complete and release as they are ready to do so.  It isn’t something I can do by my own mind and will – it is something that comes to me as a request for help at just the right time.  Help is required by someone who is physically incarnate in the world and who can connect to the spiritual levels of our Divine Being contracts where the old world was created.   Through that unity the old world contracts can be updated to serve the ascension process into the new world.  I can’t do the shift, but I can make the connections and ask for it to happen; and if the time is right it happens.  I also have to provide sufficient ground for it to manifest.  That is why having so many people helping makes this work possible — more bodies to ground the work.  But first they need to learn to ground themselves and to connect to the higher levels of unity where this work is done.

I invite you to join the next series of Healing & Ascension Monthlies Classes which begins on 12-12!  We could use your help, and you will find it joyfully empowering and purposeful.  Also I am enrolling for The Healer & Ascension Certification Course to begin in 2020.  Let me know if you feel called to this work!

Blessings, Love and Gratitude, Eve

PS Thanks for Liking, Sharing, commenting etc. and you can reach me through my website  .  There is a Contact Eve button at the top of the home page.

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