Spring Equinox – All That Matters is Love

I saw my first crocuses today — tiny buds and long thin leaves, freshly popped out of the soil!  Happy Spring everyone! Much is happening on the journey of ascension; but when I asked what the unconditionally loving universe wanted to say to you today, the answer was clear.

I worked with a client this week who has done impressive work in handling a family dynamic which reflects the polarized circumstances of our world today.  Opinions of right and wrong, good and bad swing wildly in increasingly divergent and oppositional attitudes.  I have seen my clients’ strength over years of this, choosing to respond to situations with strong boundaries and unconditional love. Realizing that the more she tried to stand up for her truth the harder she was fought and blamed, she had to learn a new-world approach.  She learned not to be pulled into the battle but to hold her ground firmly where needed, without attacking or expecting fair treatment.  Our work together helped with this as she gains skill riding the waves of change successfully!  However it hasn’t changed the inclinations of most of her family.  Feeling heartbroken about this, spirit gave her the following meditation.  I would like to share it with you because it is so pertinent to all of us:

Right and wrong are unimportant — what matters is love

Using this meditation allowed healing to occur for her, bringing her back to her power and wholeness.  It didn’t change the others, but that isn’t something she can control.  She can only do her best to stay in harmony with her own Higher Self.

In a polarized dynamic such as is prevalent in our world at this time, each party believes that they are right and refuses to see the other’s point of view. The more energy people put into it, the more polarized it becomes.  This is a product of fear.  People who are without unity with their true selves see the world as “us against them”, and with limited resources compelling them to grab what they can.  You can’t change that for them, and at this time those attitudes are actually serving our ascension.  When those on the new world path are confronted with aggression from people who exist in that state, it has potential to draw them back into a struggle with hopelessness, hatred and fear of the old world experience.  This is the great soul muscle builder of our time.  How can we succeed, ascend and fulfill our true purpose within these circumstances?

The meditation phrase that my client was given addresses all that, helping us make the best possible use of our situations.  This is an ascension opportunity and the impossible dynamics of the polarized state push us toward our higher unity if we so choose.  We can allow hatred to grow within us and join the fray, becoming part of the problem…that is easy to do initially but dangerous to our well-being. We can’t succeed at that level but will be damaged in the battle which ensues.  Or we can stand increasingly in unity with our true self within; and from there we know we are supported and we realize the truth that:

Right and wrong are unimportant — what matters is love

Love is who we are. If you work with this meditative phrase I believe you will begin to rise into a perspective which will help you understand why it is true, and how it is absolutely essential for our ascension.  You will realize that oppositional situations are designed through their very hopelessness, to insist that you simply let go of this old world fight and return to the unity and innocence of unconditional love which is the new world.

I am not religious, but I was raised by serious Christians and learned the Bible well as a child.  Now and then something from that book, which has been used to create polarized opposition in our world like all religious tombs have, still speaks to me of truth, though often in a metaphorical way. So bear with me if I incorporate something of that book with something I have learned through my planetary healing work.

I have worked extensively with healing our world from its deepest past to help it ascend. One of the places that I have been blessed to visit in this process is the lost continent of Lemuria which to my understanding was The Garden of Eden.  It was a peaceful place of transition for us between our earlier periods of evolution, and our current history of life on earth; a temporary return to innocence, and a pause in conflict.  After the fall of Lemuria — also called our “fall from grace” we entered our next set of evolutionary contracts which began with life in the continent of Atlantis, many of which continue today.  Below I will try to explain how I have come to understand that phase of our history.

In the story of The Garden of Eden it is told that God set a tree of life for us to eat from and a tree of judgment of good and evil which we were not permitted to eat from, on punishment of being banished from the garden.  In  my work with Lemuria, I saw the same story unfold..  The Atlantean culture emerged at the end of the Lemurian one.  Atlanteans came in on a lower vibration and in greater separation from unity.  They convinced the Lemurians that people were bad and needed to be taught and controlled through religion and government. Lemurians surrendered their unity with Higher Self and the Higher Power by choosing to judge right from wrong and good from evil.  They had begun believing others judgments, instead of trusting the presence of true self within.  After this a cataclysm sank Lemuria into the ocean.  Atlantis became the next focus of human evolution and its social systems created the foundation of our own cultures to this day.  The loss of Lemuria was a necessary “fall” of consciousness which permitted us to go more deeply into developing our individual souls through the process of opposition and separation from unity.  All of this was part of the plan for our evolution, no one is to blame, there is no need to judge this experience.

Through the journey of ascension, we are returning to unity even more fully than in Lemuria or The Garden.  In the new world we are both innocent and potent.  In order to reclaim innocence and unity on this new level we have to stop eating from “the tree of judgment of good and evil”.  We are beginning to realize that unconditional love is where we experience unity with our truth.  Focusing on that we rise into the new world and the opposition fades away.  The new world is a lot like Lemuria, but we enter it more mature as co-creators with the Higher Power, having learned not to believe the lies of separation and instead to choose unconditional love.  This is the task that our current world circumstances are asking us to master.

All this can be pretty challenging for our minds to grasp, but it is relatively easy for our hearts and souls to experience.  So if this discussion about world history is not helpful to you, forget it and just use the meditation and see where it takes you!

Right and wrong are unimportant — what matters is love

This is one of those phrases that can be used morning and evening over an extended period of time.  It can be used again during the day as needed to relax mind and heart and allow you to release conflict, fear and lack.  It helps you enter a place where your Higher Self begins to re-order your life in a way that is above the battle of opposites and in a state of unconditional love, innocence and great potential.

May 30th begins Healing & Ascension Monthlies!  This series of 6 classes uses joyful, powerful meditations to heal body, mind and soul and help you to ascend. it teaches you to live in the new world. People are amazed at all they accomplish in this easy way.  Join us if you would like!  You can contact me for Classes and Healing/Ascension Treatments through my website: www.spiritualhealers.com 

I’ve gotten some really good responses to video #3 of Eve’s 3 Most Important Things for Riding the Waves of Change!  It covers basics of the two prior videos and then teaches Living in Your New World Self.  It is only 20 minutes, if you haven’t watched it yet, it is available in last week’s post on the home page.

Blessings and Love to You My Ascending Friends!  Eve

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