Breaking Through Hatred & Fear — Entering the New World

I was grateful to see the depth of ascension that happened on Tuesday when my team of Ascension Workers and I met to heal hatred and fear in our world.  Using the Qabalah to work through unity and unconditional love at the point just before the old world was created made it possible to bypass blocks caused by toxic old world energies. From there we helped strengthen the new world contracts and experience for every level of life.

It was amazing how ready we are for this shift.  As we worked I was encouraged to not be shy but to break through our barriers to unity.  Gently but confidently we did that and it was joyful!  We specifically worked with healing planetary water, air and the earth — all the way down to the core of the planet!  A great deal of toxic emotion and spiritual energies cleared which will allow the physical to heal and ascend.  Some people showed up who you would think of as the darkest old-world souls of our time.  At first I ignored them thinking they would clear, but they wouldn’t go until I listened to them.  They asked to receive healing and forgiveness because it is hard for them to hold the focus of opposition, which they have been given as their job at this time.  I was amazed and willing to help them receive that and grateful.  That’s when I knew the time has come for this change and we are ready for it!

I’d like to share with you the core elements of our work so you can actively participate in this process.  We primarily worked with two aspects of the Qabalah Tree of Life which is the foundational spiritual structure on which creation is built.  The Tree of Life exists within all elements of creation, each individual having their own Tree.  With the instructions below you can work with these two aspects of your own Qabalah Tree of Life helping yourself ascend more strongly and easily!

Essentially we worked with the aspects or “spheres” which can be called the “Father God” and the “Mother God”.  Father God is the part of ourselves and of the universe which is a force of absolute unity, unconditional love and pure spiritual freedom — it is our spiritual home within the cosmos.  Mother God is the Cosmic Womb through which life as we know it was birthed.  Through the Mother God we temporarily chose to experience separation from unity and the One Source in order to grow and master our individual potentials.  As we ascend we are returning to unity but remaining individual.  The old world contracts for separation are ending and we are reclaiming the world as a place of unity and co-creation with the One Source in unconditional love.  This is the beginning of the fulfillment of the promise we always known existed within creation and within ourselves.

Below I have copied the meditations from the chapter “Surfing”  in my book “Riding the Wave of Change – Hope, Healing & Spiritual Growth for our World”.*  These work with Chokmah the Father and Binah the Mother – the aspects of the Tree of Life we used for our planetary healing and ascension work. The names are in Hebrew, so I did my best to make them phonetically accessible to you.  The diagram shows yourself looking in the mirror, so the sphere with the angel on the right side of the page is the Father God and corresponds to the right side of your body.  The sphere on the left side with the starry night is Mother God Following the meditations below will help you to catch the wave of change we initiated this week and ride it more smoothly to shore! If you want, it may be helpful to review “Part II – Wind on the Water” from my book to refresh your memory about the Qabalah Tree of Life*

Begin these meditations by giving yourself an Inner Hug and breathing into your Inner Wisdom deep within your heart.**  Then work from that center rather than just your head.  The heart bridges our human consciousness and the divine.  And the more grounded you are the more strongly the exercise will impact your life and our world. ***

Chokmah – (Hoke-mah) Meditation – right side of your head
I welcome the essence of truth of Chokmah, Chokmah, Chokmah, Father God, unity and Cosmic Christ—and the essence
of truth of Archangel Ratziel (ROT-zeel), Archangel Ratziel,Archangel Ratziel. Please tune and heal the Qabalah sphere of Chokmah
on the right side of my head and all it represents within my soul.First individual Being, who is the seed of independent being within all of creation, please awaken my memory of unity with
the One Source and all of life. Heal the wounds of separation through unconditional love, grace, and forgiveness. Help me to see the true purpose behind all circumstances, forgive all
traumas I have experienced, and claim the power and gifts I have gained through them. Assist me to reclaim my birthright as an
individual aspect of the One Source, innocent, wise, and free. Let
this occur within Chokmah in each sphere of my Qabalah Tree of Life.

Binah-(BEE-nah) Meditation – left side of your head
I welcome the essence of truth of Binah, Binah, Binah,
beloved Mother God, Cosmic Womb; and the essence of truth of
Archangel Tzaphkiel (ZAF-keel), Archangel Tzaphkiel, Archangel
Tzaphkiel. Please tune and heal the sphere of Binah on the left
side of my head and all it represents within my soul. Thank you
for healing the trauma of separation my soul has experienced
since individuating out of Oneness. Help me to reclaim my true
spiritual essence and gifts of wholeness, now that I have learned
to be an independent being. Remind me of the potent love that
caused me to separate out of unity in order to develop my own
unique facet of the One Source. Let me return to wholeness and
unity while maintaining my unique focus of true self. Forgive
me for all negativity through all lifetimes, and help me forgive
the suffering this journey has caused myself and others. Help
me to be reborn now into the new world, and to actualize my
true purpose as an individual focus of the One True Source of
Life within all creation. I ask that this rebirth be as gentle as
is optimal for myself and for all of life. Let this occur for Binah
within each sphere of my Qabalah Tree of Life.

What you are doing when you do these meditations carries the basis of what we did for those aspects of our world which were ready to grow stronger in their new world selves!  Not everything or everyone was immediately ready to shift, however enough shifted that the healing and ascension of others is assured, it will just take time.  When you do these meditations you also help the rest of us ascend more easily.  Thank You!

Blessings and Love, Eve

*Copies of “Riding the Wave of Change” are available through my home website in eBook, paperback and hardcover. You can read a preview and see some of the art on the book website

**See video #1 of Eve’s 3 Most Important Things to learn more about the Inner Hug and Inner Wisdom.  You can search it on this site by typing video #1 in the box with the magnifying glass image.  This is one of a series of video blogs.

*** Video #2 of Eve’s 3 Most Important Things teaches grounding.  You can search it on this site by typing video #2 in the box with the magnifying glass image.

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Tyra Petoskey
Tyra Petoskey
5 years ago

Love this Eve! Thank you ??