Monday’s Clearings – Ascending Stress

Hi Ascending Friends!  You may have noticed some interesting dynamics as a result of Monday’s clearings.

On Monday I noticed several waves of old world obstructions clearing.  They appeared to me like layers of cloud lifting off the way we perceive our world.  As these cleared people may have felt some anxiety and fear, but that was the nature of the energy that was clearing.  So hopefully folks didn’t hang onto that but let it go and began to see things more positively.  Those of you who have been stepping up into your new world energy regularly hopefully felt that anxiety and fear lift; replaced by a lighter, more confident strength that has been growing since.  You may have begun to feel more hopeful about opportunities in your life and your ability to succeed in this changing world!  If not yet, read on and you can shift up to this new level too.

Anxiety and Fear are often signals that you are ready for a shift up to the next level of your ascended self.  This seems to be caused by the shift itself — our old world self feels things shifting and tries to hold on to its old world control, but this is impossible to do.  So the answer is to choose to live in your new world self in the new world nursery which I will teach about in my video blog next week!  But don’t wait for that, simply breathe into your Inner Wisdom deep within your heart and ask to live in your new world self.  This will bring you to focus in the part of you which is already living in the new world somewhat, and will ease the impact of the old world stress significantly!

So don’t let the old world ego control your life!  Your new world self is already here and growing stronger daily.  It is already able to respond to life’s opportunities with greater strength and harmony than your old world self could have.  There is a lot of unknown during this time of transition and so it takes deliberate choice to stay in your new world focus. Stress is the message to return to your new world focus of self. Practice of the tools I teach strengthens your new world muscles and makes you more stable in the new world.  They help you catch the waves of change and ride them through the many incremental shifts required as we ascend.

Thank you for your patience with the final installment of Eve’s 3 Most Important Things which was scheduled for last week but has been delayed until next week!  So much shift happening it is requiring all of us to be very flexible and go with the flow!  I look forward to “seeing you” then to give more detailed instructions on living in your new world self!  Watch for it!

One thing about the videos — they take more time to watch than reading the blog, however they will help you really learn and integrate these foundational tools. Once you know them, I can take you deeper in your healing and ascension through future blog posts, rather than repeating the same tools in writing over and over to get you to the place you need to be to begin the next phases.  So if you haven’t watched videos 1 & 2 yet, last week’s blog post tells you exactly where to find them!   You can find last week’s post on the home page right below today’s.  It may be helpful to watch them more than once so that you can do these exercises from memory, or to make notes of the processes until you remember.  They aren’t complex, but there are some new world muscles that you will be learning to use! These tools are also taught in my book Riding the Wave of Change find them in Part IV.

Blessings, love and gratitude for your presence in the world as we ascend!  Eve

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