Balancing Darkness and Light

I am writing you today on Winter Solstice, though you will read it the day after.  We have just passed through the longest night of the year and have 6 months of increasing light ahead!  Though the shift isn’t noticeable in the outer world yet, I believe our hearts and souls know the darkest is behind us.  Still we are in that period of outer darkness which allows a deepening of our inner light if we will surrender into stillness within.  Our light deepens because we work with our unconscious self which tends to be receptive and resonate to the darkness outside.  This brings up memories, wounds and feelings which are in need of light and healing.  During the brighter times in the outer world we can rise more easily above these things, which feels good and allows us to move forward with our goals.  However the foundation for our future success will be strengthened by taking this dark cold winter opportunity to bring light to the darkness, release the blocks from our past and allow our Higher Self to incarnate into those formerly dark places within.

I am impressed how as we ascend the unhealed past has less and less power to overwhelm and limit us personally.  Things which we have been working on for ages, where it seems there is always one more piece to do as we peal the onion to reveal our true selves, are so much easier to work with.  Often simply using an open heart to link The Higher Power and old dark experiences and then just being there and inviting healing, is enough to release what has been stuck because so much is ready to let go.  Yes, there may yet be another layer, but at least the process is getting lighter and easier!  Once something lets go, then we can allow the love of the Higher Power and our own Higher Self to flow into the place where it used to be.  Then it is important to reclaim this place as a home for our Higher Self to live.

We all have some darkness within us, it is intimately a part of the old world journey and has been our great teacher.  As we bring light into the darkness it becomes like compost creating fertile ground for our true self to grow in!  The ultimate spiritual recycling system!  In unconditional love there is no judgment of what has gone before, even if before was just a minute ago!  Unconditional love is always willing to do the reclaiming and recycling, healing and fertilizing so the new clearer self can grow.

As our lights get brighter because of our ascension, the dark places become more obvious.  It is humbling, but necessary to allow ourselves to see, forgive, love, heal and reclaim these parts.  When we do, we help others to do so as well.  It also helps us to be more compassionate of those who are identified with and expressing their darkness.  When we find ourselves judging or hating the darkness of others in our world, it is time to look within and see what lesson they are mirroring for us within our own selves.  This is the job of the oppositional forces expressing through people in our world.  They are our teachers.  Let’s learn and grow strong in our truth from these experiences so we don’t need the opposition anymore!  Then we will feel better, and they will be reassigned to perform a different service to life – whatever is needed – instead of opposing all that is loving and good in our world!  We will know we have succeeded in mastering our own darkness more fully when the outer darkness dissipates.  Thank you oppositional forces!

Still, we may need to take action, but let us do so from a place of unity with and trust of the unconditionally loving force of the universe.  All this writing about forces reminds me of my new term – the Force of Unity – please join me with an open heart which is the connector that allows spirit to act in the world in a little spiritual work!

Let us open our hearts to the essence of truth of the Higher Power and, letting go of all judgment and agendas, ask that the unconditionally loving Force of Unity flow into the dark places within our hearts and minds, and within our families, country and world!  Ask it to flow between us and the darkness, being a presence of healing, peace and resolution.

Then let’s relax and experience the peace and joy of this Winter Solstice/Holiday Season.

Blessings and all my love, Eve

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