Not a Void, A Womb!

Between now and next Friday when I post again, there are a number of seasonal and cosmic influences coming to bear on our world and our lives.  Monday is the new or “void” moon, Wednesday night is Winter Solstice – the longest night of the year, and until the 23rd Mercury is retrograde, which some find very challenging.  Personally, I love all this stuff, let me tell you why!

What I have found as a Spiritual Healer, is that any “void” in what normally supports us from the world around, can be a womb for something better to grow in.  We can help this emptiness be filled with something better by being aware that there is an opportunity for that.  If we are unaware and it takes us by surprise we can metaphorically fall into the “void” and become upset or frightened, which can draw negativity to us.  So this week we have another opportunity to be the light and love the darkness as a place where our true light can be born.

I love Rudolph Steiner’s Calendar of the Soul verse for this week:

To carry Spirit’s light to world-winter night Strives blissfully the impulse of my heart,

That shining seeds of soul Take root in grounds of worlds,

And Word of God in senses’ darkness

Resounds, transfiguring all being.

This almost says it all for me!  But I have a few more thoughts to share rather than stop right here.

The new or void moon – The moon warms and lifts our hearts and pushes on our unconscious feeling self, making us reactive to emotional impulses.  It calls us to grow mature enough to own and master our powerful feelings and passions from a place of spiritual maturity, which allows us to corral them into purposeful directions.  During the “void” influence of the moon, we can invite our Higher Self to make a home within our earthly unconscious and emotional selves and attune our lower nature to a clearer and more unconditionally loving place.

Winter Solstice – Wow, do I love winter solstice!  The long quiet, cold night feels like a sacred space, where I can welcome to be born into the world the unconditionally loving energies of creation.  These include the One Source of Life, and what I called last blog The Force of Unity (see more below).  And of all the elements of Christianity that I can take issue with, the one I love without reservation is the birth of Jesus whose true spirit is exquisitely unconditional and loving, and I feel it strongly during this season.  To me his story teaches that the divine can live within human beings and that means each of us.  Winter Solstice to me is all this.  There is an energy on the planet that makes me want to step into the void of cold and night and experience this vast opening to be a part of the cosmic and planetary energies of unconditional love.  My awareness of those energies becomes an impulse within me to invite them to be born and grow strong within all of us and all creation.

Mercury Retrograde – I have learned to make friends with Mercury retrograde!  When I first learned about it, it was that thing which causes communication and electronics to misfire, and which creates unwanted delays in forward activity.  But I decided that since it happens numerous times each year, I needed to work with it willingly, and this has made all the difference for my experience!  Mercury moves backward through our planetary influences, causing us to delay forward movement in favor of addressing steps which are necessary for us to move forward successfully.  So when I am experiencing blocks or delays, miscommunication and malfunctioning electronics, I stop and meditate on what I need to do that I have missed.  Many times it is an inner shift that I need to make in attitude or understanding.  Sometimes it is a chance to correct a misunderstanding before it blows up into a problem.  Sometimes it is a piece of my past which would hold me back if I didn’t work through it emotionally, mentally and spiritually to heal and clear energies that are stuck; or to harvest a gift that I need from back then.  So I choose to be patient and utilize these opportunities.  Then when mercury again goes direct as it will on December 23, it is like catching the wave of change and riding it home to the beach!  Things move the right way and fast!

For those who last week thought the term The Force of Unity sounded pushy or made them think of light sabers, I would like to share some thoughts!  First of all, words are clumsy, so use what works for you!  The Force of Unity flows from Chokmah on the Qabalah Tree of Life, which in our experience is Ascended Mastery also called the Cosmic Christ.  Let me assure you that while it is amazingly powerful, there is nothing pushy or threatening about this unconditionally loving level of being.  Work with it and you will find out for yourself what it is like!  It is pure spirit, freedom and unconditional love and without restriction, and only able to be loving.  And whatever terms help you connect are the ones you should use.  I use many because each accesses truth a bit differently for me, and evokes its own perfection.  You can read more about this term in last week’s blog!

People have been enjoying the radio interviews I did recently which have links on my main website home page.  Check them out if you are looking for half an hour of relaxing spiritual perspective on life!  Also, I had my web designer correct the email address which was posted wrong there, my apologies if your emails bounced – please try again!

Wishing you a beautiful birth of light and truth within your soul, your life and our world this week my friends!  You are a gift to the world and I love you!  Eve

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