The Spiritual Language of Love

In last week’s post I held back one piece of the work I shared because I hesitate to use a term which would sound religious.  I call myself the “Irreverent Reverend Eve” because I am not a proponent of religion – much to the disappointment of my Spiritual Mother who sponsored my ordination.  I respect religion, but feel that our ultimate goal is unity with our own individual facet of the Oneness of Life, which can only happen from within; and sometimes religion can get in the way of that.  Sometimes it can help too, so my respect remains.  Since my last post I have been given a new term which allows me to express what I left out last time in a new and clear way!

Our spiritual language attempts to communicate the love of spirit, but can become laden over time with old associations which can distort our connection with truth.  In order to communicate with less baggage I am always changing up which terms I use.  I find this cumbersome but necessary and thank you for putting up with it!  In particular people get stuck on the term Christ.  If you are a traditional Christian, Christ means Jesus.  Less traditional Christians include all other Ascended Master Beings in the term Christ.  Those who are not Christian are likely to associate it with a religion that holds in its traditional beliefs that unless you believe in Jesus Christ you are doomed!  So when I want to talk about Christ I usually say Cosmic Christ and explain that this level of consciousness precedes all religious associations and refers to all Ascended Master Beings.  Still people may feel discomfort with the term.

When I write and teach I seek the language of love in the truest way that I can express it.  It is a spiritual quest of mine!  This new term which I am about to share with you, is potent and clear and works very well to connect with unconditional love at the same level as the terms Cosmic Christ, Chokmah (Qabalah), Ascended Master and Higher Power.  Though each of these terms connects with that level of Being, each does so in a little different manner, so they are almost interchangeable, but not quite!

The new term is the Force of Unity.  I was guided to use it in the touchy type of circumstances I referred to in #1 of last week’s post.  At that time I suggested you use the more generic term Higher Power where I myself would tend to use the Cosmic Christ. The difference is that the Force of Unity and Cosmic Christ both work from a place closer to individual human experience than Higher Power, and so can often be more specific and potent for us.  I found this term extremely effective for protection and for releasing old blocks of body, emotion, mind, spirit and soul.

Though the term is Force of Unity, because it comes from that very high place it is a force of unconditional love as well as unity, therefore it is powerful but clean and gentle, only affecting what needs to be healed and cleared at the time of use.  It recalls us home to that unity within our own selves, much in the way that connecting with the essence of truth of Cosmic Christ can do, but doesn’t carry the associated baggage that term has collected.

As we enter the holiday season, I am always drawn to clarify and honor my connection with the Christ energy.  I am one of those who has to overcome negative experiences with Christianity.  On the other hand, I have had a deeply loving connection with the Christ, so it always calls me back each year to let go of more of the baggage and get clearer every time.  The Force of Unity feels like it comes straight from the truest heart of the Cosmic Christ – which is a term for the soul and consciousness which exists close enough to the One to have unity with it, but still remains individual.  To me this is the essence of the term Christ and it helps me to enjoy what is so beautiful during this holiday season.  And now I have a new term to help me.

Each Ascended Master lives connected to this place of unity; each has their own focus and job to do as outreach in service to creation.  Each of us as we ascend grows closer to that unity within our own selves.  Beings of this very high unconditional love see that unity within each of us.  They respect the many unique journeys we take as we ascend our human selves and souls until we too are part of this beautiful reality which I call Home.

Healer & Ascension Certification Course is enrolling for early 2018!  There are still a few spots available, contact me through the main website to apply for this powerful boost for your journey home!  Monthly Ascension Support is open to a few more participants as well beginning January 11, and there is $10 off healing and ascension treatments in December! Please forgive the error on the email at my main website – it should be – new website – working out the bugs!  If you got bounced that’s why!  Please try again.

Peace to you my friends as you remember you are a part of the great love that enfolds all life.  Everyone and everything is eternal, safe and unbreakable, and we are all going Home!  Enjoy the journey and have a lovely week until next time – Love, Eve

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Liz Squire
Liz Squire
6 years ago

Wow, I missed reading last weeks message and just read last weeks and this weeks. Again, Wow. I can not tell you how your messages grab me and with “the force of Unity,” keep me close. xxxxxx

Tyra Petoskey
Tyra Petoskey
6 years ago

Thank you Eve! This clarification has really helped to deepen my understanding of these spiritual terms.