

Advanced Ascension Classes

Wanted to share a new development since our last class.  I’ve noticed an incredible difference with my inner voice.  It is very commanding, crystal clear and confident.  Wow!  Whatever I ask, happens instantaneously.  Love this!!   Thank you!!

Healing Sessions

A strong sense of Completion. The old is done and stepping into the new. I feel like I am a new version of myself.

Weekly Word Blog

 I too have felt a huge difference. I had a not so pleasant situation come up and my natural response was to just put love to it and let it go. And I thought to myself “Who are you?” Lol! In the past my brain would have gone into overtime thinking about it over and over again, working myself into a frenzy. My life in general suddenly has become more calm in ways I can’t explain. I’m so grateful for all you do Eve for humanity and the world.

Weekly Word Blog

What an honor to receive this gift and use it to help the world. Thank you so much! 

Weekly Word Blog

Thank you Eve . The well of unconditional love is glorious and full of knowing! I gain such clarity, focus, trust and the most magical feeling of Love when aligned with my Higher Self. My Truth is easily revealed, I begin movement toward Higher Purpose effortlessly. It’s like walking on one of those motorized walkways in the airport! lol . Almost like synchronized movement! I just trust, and go with the flow . Much love

Healing Session

Since our healing session I have felt more and more calm, and have been able to notice and appreciate more of what’s around me. At times I feel like I’m on a vacation! I have actually felt  more youthful as well.

Healing & Ascension Monthlies

Hello Eve! I haven’t done the meditation yet but I was sitting here getting ready for work and I just have to tell you, whatever the meditation was you fixed something for me. For the first time in a long time today was sublime.