

Healing and Ascension Monthlies

Thanks so much for tonight and for the whole series. This was my first series and I am looking forward to continuing. I could feel Lake Michigan and also the Atlantic Ocean by Virginia Beach and I believe this is part of their message for me. That I am water just like I am earth.  I can ground in the water like I do with the earth. I am dolphin enlightened in the new world. Holy Spirit flow through me. I am forgiven for everything. I am grateful for everything. And then I thank everything for being my teacher. Much love.  

Weekly Word Blog

“Your prayer for the New Year was very touching and very beautiful. It is completely loving and a reminder of how we can serve as a force for love and unity. A purposeful life that honors God and each other.  Too often, I seem to forget that… So, I printed out your totally perfect prayer and will read it always…as a reminder to be as loving as possible and make my own life happier as well. Thank you for this prayer gift.”

Healing Session: Couples

Lots of changes happening (great ones!). I just wanted to let you know how much appreciation and love I have for you! Your essence and guidance has helped immensely!!!